write 1500 words personal experience based essay based on your own personal experience that includes a discussion of the motivation theories you have learnt and how these may be applied to your own work history

write 1500 words personal experience based essay based on your own personal experience that includes a discussion of the motivation theories you have learnt and how these may be applied to your own work history

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The purpose of the assessment task is for you to write an essay based on your own personal experience that includes a discussion of the motivation theories you have learnt, and how these may be applied to your own work history. Being able to do so, will assist your ability to evaluate why it is that some people excel in the workplace, while others may not.

Assessment Description:

Summarise the concept of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction using 3 (three) relevant theories covered in the course. (See attached slide for theories details, theories are mentioned below)

• Choose a job that you have been employed in, whether part-time or full-time, permanent or temporary, in the profit or not for profit sector in which you were either: ‘extremely satisfied’ or ‘extremely dissatisfied’. Describe the job and it’s positive and negative features from your point of view.

• Apply the 3 (three) theories discussed to analyse why you felt the way you did. (See attached slide for theories details.)

-Theory of Reasoned Action

-Theory of Planned Behavior


-Theories of Attitude Change

Your assignment should include:

• A clear introduction defining scope.

• A brief discussion of what job satisfaction/dissatisfaction is, including the use of three (3) theories mentioned above.

• A description of the job you have selected. Outline the role, your tenure, the organisation (under a pseudonym if confidential) and the context.

• Application of the theories to the selected job and analysed in relation to your own experience.

• A clear conclusion that summarises your learning and insights.

• A reference list of only references you have used in your assignment.

Assessment Instructions

A personal experience-based essay is where you make use of academic concepts and analysis and apply it to your own experience. It still follows academic conventions, for instance, it is structured with an introductory paragraph, middle, and a well-defined conclusion and it should have a logical series of paragraphs. This type of approach is powerful because it allows you to both appreciate the value of theory and also to consider how it can be useful in application. The introductory paragraph must include the objective of the essay, and the conclusion paragraph must highlight the important points if learning that you have achieved in completing this assessment task. You need to critically reflect on your own thoughts, feelings and actions, then integrate these reflections with the theoretical concepts. This essay can be written in both the first and third person.

Further guidance:

• This paper requires a significant amount of analysis and personal reflection. This means that you should break down each theory of motivation into its constituent parts and reflect on how relevant the factors within the motivation theory or model were relevant to you and your situation.

• You should include a minimum of 10 references. At least 6 of these should be academic journals. The rest can be textbooks and appropriate websites. Examples of relevant journals are the Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association), Journal of Occupational and Employment Psychology (British Psychological Society), or the Journal of Business and Psychology (Springer).

• It is recommended that you use the structure outlined above and adopt sub-headings based on each bullet point.

You should aim to quote six (6) quality academic references in a useful way as part of this work.

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