What would this psychologist be looking for during voir dire and in investigations of the jury pool?

What would this psychologist be looking for during voir dire and in investigations of the jury pool?

psychology homework help

A forensic psychologist is often HIRED by the defense or the prosecutor to assist with jury selection. Using the library, Internet, or any other available materials, discuss in detail the following:

  • What would this psychologist be looking for during voir dire and in investigations of the jury pool?
  • What, if any, different analysis techniques might a psychologist use when assisting the defense versus assisting the prosecution?
  • Why would the items being investigated be important to the defense or to the prosecution?
  • What specific area of forensics are you INTERESTED in, or what type of position are you INTERESTED in?

Possible Points: 115


Topic Points:

Above you will see four different points that I need to see addressed in your paper. In essence, this paper can be broken into four sections. To start here, it will prove easier to find a criminal case at a local level. You can then write this from the perspective that you are a consultant on the case and you have some context to provide the reader.

Here is a video tutorial on how to create an outline. http://www.screencast.com/t/OiCptp90TP1y.

Your paper will include the following sections:

  • Abstract (One Paragraph)
  • Introduction (Two Paragraphs) – Here you want to briefly discuss the purpose of the paper. Answer this question, This paper will introduce the reader to what and why is it important?
  • Jury Consultant and the voir dire process (3-Pages Total) –

o Role of the Consultant for the Prosecutor

§ Characteristics and Factors of Potential Jury Members

o Role of the Consultant for the Defense

§ Characteristics and Factors of Potential Jury Members

o Analysis of Key Differences (Are there any major differences?)

o Personal Reaction to FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY and its efficacy in the field (1-Page)

  • Conclusion (One Paragraph)


Video Tutorial on Citing – http://www.screencast.com/t/ppkygqCr0

If you are at all confused, reach out to me via email or call my cell phone (317-797-1126).

Paper Format:

3-5 Pages (1050 – 1750 Words) – This includes content only (the body of the paper)

12-point font and Reference section.


Minimum of five. I know this seems like a lot but you are writing on a topic that needs at the very least this many to properly state your case. This means I should see no less than five resources in your reference section and no less than five internal citations.