What is a contract and what is required when establishing a contract in health care?

What is a contract and what is required when establishing a contract in health care?

Nursing homework help

Module two will cover three main topics: torts, contracts, and liability. Using a short case vignette, you will analyze whether a tort occurred and if so, would it be considered intentional or unintentional (negligence). We will learn about contracts and how a contract is established in health care. In your required readings for this module, you will discover how arbitration agreements and liability may affect the care that is provided to your patients. This new knowledge will then be applied to your weekly assignment on liability and licensure. Finally, your first group project will be introduced (due in Module 6).

Required Weekly Reading:

Pozgar text chapters 4, 6, & 11

Health Care Arbitration Agreements: https://www.tba.org/journal/health-care-arbitration-agreements-in-tennessee

Kachalia, A., Kaufman, S. R., Boothman, R., Anderson, S., Welch, K., Saint, S., Rogers, M. A. M. (2010). Liability claims and costs before and after implementation of a medical error disclosure program. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153, 213-221. Retrieved from EbscoHOST

o For this article you will need to search the library database (Journals A-Z) for the Journal Title and then the article.

List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Module 2

Module 2 Discussion 1 Module 2 Discussion

Health care services can be greatly affected by contracts. In order to understand how contracts affect your clinical or administrative practice, you must understand what they are. Use this discussion forum to explore the following questions:

What is a contract and what is required when establishing a contract in health care?

What is the difference between an implied and expressed contract?

What is an arbitration agreement and how can it affect health care services?

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