Two DIscussion Questions

Two DIscussion Questions

Discussion 1

Review the following video clip from this week’s Instructor Guidance:

In this clip from the London Business Forum, the presenter speaks about authentic leadership. Based on the compelling speech by René Carayol and the readings for this week, discuss three ways the authentic leader would respond differently (than a leader using a power or transactional approach) to the following question: “Why should anyone be lead by you?”

Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day



Discussion 2

Leadership Theory Paper Milestone #8 & #9: Assessing Strengths & Limitations and Evaluating Significance

Review the content requirements for the Leadership Theory Paper. Note that two of the key requirements is that you discuss the limitations and strengths of each leadership theory/approach you select and that you thoroughly examine the rationale for why each leadership theory/approach is important to the study of leadership psychology and/or the field of organizational psychology.

· In this discussion question, select another one of the theories you selected for your Leadership Theory Paper (use a different theory than you assessed in Week 4)(Use Trait Theory) and discuss the theory’s limitations and strengths.

· Why might leadership styled by this theory/approach be deemed as exemplary of good leadership or, alternatively, not as useful as other theories and approaches?

· Take another of the theories you selected for your Leadership Theory Paper (Behavioral theory) and examine the rationale for why the leadership theory/approach is important to the study of leadership psychology and/or the field of organizational psychology (use a different theory than you evaluated in Week 4).

Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day 7.

Point Value: 3 Points

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