Topic : Transgender Rights , provision or policies of mental or medical health care For each topic I will pay $25.

Topic : Transgender Rights , provision or policies of mental or medical health care For each topic I will pay $25.

Nursing homework help

Topic: Transgender Rights, provision or policies of mental or medical health care For each topic I will pay $25.00

Please help me to with the answer to the question. I am not sure if my answer is correct

Provide a brief general overview of transgender studies.

• Describe one specific topic of your choice, its relationship to gender politics, and its relationship to transgender psychology.

• Explain which theories and concepts of gender identity relate to your topic, transgender politics, and transgender psychology; include the concept of socially constructed characters in your analysis.

• Describe the theoretical, practical, and ethical issues concerning your topic.

• Recommend at least one intervention or strategy that was designed to address your topic, and provide information on its effectiveness. If it is not sufficient enough, suggest ways that one could improve that intervention or strategy.

• Explain the psychosocial issues of transgender identity as related to cross culture differences, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, and socioeconomic status.

• Provide an assessment of what directions exist for future research in the field of transgender studies and opportunities for creating awareness and social support of this issue. This should be a summary of your thoughts on current issues and any suggestions you may have for future directions for the transgender topic you selected.