Topic: Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Topic: Dialectic Behavioral Therapy


Your paper should utilize at least 3 scientific references (e.g., peer reviewed articles, books, therapy manuals but not websites, magazine articles, etc.) other than our textbook.


Double Spaced:


1. Historical Context (7.5 points) (1page ) What is the historical context for this therapy? Who developed it? Why did they develop it?


1. Cultural & Gender Considerations (5 points) (0.5 page) : What are the cultural & gender issues that are associated with this therapy?


1. Evidence-Based Status (7.5 points) (1 page ): Discuss whether your group’s therapy is empirically supported or not. How do you know this? What types of data has been gathered? Why does this matter? Do therapists that use this type of therapy “care” about it being evidence-based?

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