Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Nursing homework help

Using your HBR coursepack, review the following articles in the coursepack:

  • The Female Economy
  • Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets
  • Getting Brand Communities Right
  • The One Number You Need to Grow
  • Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing

Cite each source individually – do NOT cite as a coursepack!

Following your review, share a 750-words minimum review of the strategic marketing concepts discussed.  Make sure to cite your sources individually – using their original published dates.    This posting should be completed using APA formatting (in-text citations and references) attach in a formal word document.   Not accepted if there is no word document attached.

This initial post should be completed by Saturday at 11:59 p.m. EST.  After you submit the initial posting, return to the forum and review the findings of your classmates.  Post a meaningful comment or question (150 words minimum) to the postings of one (1) classmate.  Peer postings should be completed by Sunday at 11:00 p.m. EST.

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