Status of Psychology

Status of Psychology

Nursing homework help

Summarize the current state of the discipline of psychology by analyzing who psychologists are and what they do, the variety of psychological research, and psychology’s status in society. Are there any areas that you would like psychologists to attend to that they currently do not?

See the Weekly Due Dates Calendar posted to the Updates and Handouts folder for initial post due date.

Response Guidelines

You are expect to respond to other learners in a manner that is substantive in nature and references the assigned readings and other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views.

2. Discussion

Critique of Psychology

In the Giorgi (2013) article, the author presents a critique of the field of psychology. One of the points he argues is that psychology’s contributions to the field of science are modest in comparison to the other natural sciences. Do you agree or disagree with this critique? Present a well-crafted argument, citing appropriate examples, to support your case.

Response Guidelines

You are expect to respond to other learners in a manner that is substantive in nature and references the assigned readings and other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views.

3. Discussion

Personal Reflection

Reflect upon the material studied in this course. What have you learned? How will you apply what you have learned in your future endeavors?

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