Social Psychology Prejudice assignment 2

Social Psychology Prejudice assignment 2

Need the assignment 100% plagiarism free an it is for my university paper. Needs to be fully APA 6th formatted. Every point or independent thought must be backed up by an in-text reference (1-3 per paragraph). I will also attach a marking guide for the chosen tutor to follow. Full detailed instructions are below:

Social Psychology Written Assessment 2016

Purpose of assessment

In this assignment we want you to use a case study to examine old-fashioned or modern prejudice. To do this your essay should include one example of prejudice that you have sourced from New Zealand or Australian textual media. This may be a newspaper or magazine article (online ok) or advertisement, but not a video. You should then explain how stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination may be operating. We want you to examine something that you are very interested in. For this reason you may investigate any topic that demonstrates prejudice. This may include prejudice related to race, ethnicity, gender, age, able-bodiedness, sexual orientation, age, and /or religious group membership.

Specifically your case study will:

ï‚· Explain how your case study is an example of old-fashioned or modern prejudice

ï‚· Discuss your case study in terms of how stereotype, prejudice and discrimination may be operating ï‚· Indicate how you would plan an intervention program in the community to combat such discrimination.

Overall format for written work

ï‚· The overall word limit for the assignment is 2,000 words (plus/minus 10%). Do not go over 2,200 OR be under 1,800. Please indicate your word count at the end of your assignment.

ï‚· Please use a 12 point font, 2.5cm margins on all sides and double or 1.5 line spacing format. PLEASE DO NOT SINGLE-SPACE.

ï‚· Please use paragraphs that contains around 3 and five sentences.

Each paragraph should have one main point that is fully discussed.

Suggested format

1. Title: provide a descriptive and appropriate title for your work.

2. Introduce your case study and its focus

ï‚· Define old fashioned or modern prejudice and why this is an important area study

ï‚· Provide a roadmap to your case study (what it will contain)

3. Provide background information on your case study

ï‚· Provide a summary of your real life case study including the source and date it was published and what the item was about

ï‚· Append your example to your case study (last page)

4. Explain where and how stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination may be operating (one paragraph each):

ï‚· Stereotypes: what generalisations (or mental schemas) might your example be demonstrating about a group or groups of people?

ï‚· Prejudice: how might your example demonstrate hostile or negative feeling toward a distinguishable group of people, based solely on their membership in that group?

ï‚· Discrimination: how might your example demonstrate or lead to actions (or behaviour) towards one group of people purely based on their group membership?

5. Develop an intervention plan (briefly)

ï‚· Indicate how you would plan an intervention program in the community to combat such discrimination (e.g., online, in person, in schools?).

6. Write a conclusion

ï‚· Provide a concluding section that summarises the findings from your case study

ï‚· Provide suggestions for directions for future research Referencing You are expected to use references to support what you say in your essay.

ï‚· Use at least four separate sources.

 Be mindful of internet sources, and look for empirically-based literature – articles in academic journals. Use the introductory references from the lecture and text book relevant to your topic and then search further. The librarian can help you source these.

ï‚· Attach a Reference List at the end of the document, following appropriate APA referencing styles for in-text citations, and bibliographic information (excluded from word count) (see library guides).

Suggested sources for information include

ï‚· The course text book (Vaughan and Hogg)

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