Social issue research argument essay obesity is is not a disease in the united states

Social issue research argument essay obesity is is not a disease in the united states

Nursing homework help

The Social Issue Group Project Assignments (100 points) and the Social Issue

Research Argument Essay (200 points)

English 1302

Social Issue Research Argument Topics (Choose One):


1.Human activity (is, is not) a major cause of global climate change.

2.The United States Government (should, should not) continue domestic surveillance.

3.Obesity (is, is not) a disease in the United States.



Assign each group member specific data bases and websites to research:

  • Group Member One. Reputable sources: SIRS, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints.Scholarly sources:Academic Search Complete.( Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Two. Scholarly sources:Omni File, Infotrac (General One File and Nursing Resource Center), Gale Virtual Reference Library. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Three.Scholarly sources:Infotrac (General One File and Nursing Resource Center), Legal Collection, Education Full Text, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Four.Scholarly sources:Academic Search CompleteSocial Science Full Text, Military and Government Collection, Religion and Philosophy Collection, Science and Technology Collection. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)

Group Member Five.Scholarly Sources:Academic Search CompletePoints of View, Business Full Text, Business Source Complete.Website sources:Law Review Commons, Jurist, Pro and, Nature,XXXXXXXXsite:gov, XXXXXXXsite:edu (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)

4.Each student will submit (10) reputable or scholarly sources as assigned in MLA format from specific databases.(Value:40 points)

5.Complete and submit online the following forms:(1) Peer Evaluation and (2) Self Evaluation. (Value:10 points).

6.In a one-page, multiple paragraph essay format and a “Work Cited” page, answer and submit online responses to the questions on the “Research Topic Reflection” form.(Value:50 points)

7.Social Issue Research Argument Essay (200 points)

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