Research foundation week 4

Research foundation week 4

Nursing homework help

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the types of qualitative research designs, sampling strategies, and data collection methods.
  • Review your Weeks 1 and Week 2 Discussions on a qualitative research problem, purpose, research question, and theoretical/conceptual framework.
  • Identify an appropriate and specific qualitative research design, sampling strategy, and data collection method that aligns to your research problem, purpose, research question, and theoretical/conceptual framework.
  • Alignment of scenario elements is important. See the Examples of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios document, which can be downloaded from the Week 4 Learning Resources area of the classroom.
  • Discussion posts are pass/fail but have minimum criteria to pass. See the Discussion Rubric to ensure you understand the pass/fail criteria.

This week is only about the qualitative scenario. Repost, or build on or refine as needed, your Week 1 and Week 2 Discussion of your qualitative scenario using the following headings and according to the italicized instructions given for each element:

Program of Study: Identify your specific program of study and, if applicable, your concentration area.

Social Problem: Briefly describe the social problem or phenomenon of interest. Typically, this can be done in 3 or fewer sentences.

Qualitative Research Problem: Complete the following sentence: The scholarly community does not know…

Qualitative Research Purpose: Typically, this is a 1-sentence statement addressed by completing the following sentence: The purpose of this qualitative study is…

Qualitative Research Question: Typically, this is a 1-sentence question unless you have more than one research question.

Theory or Conceptual Framework: Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in interpretation of results.

Qualitative Research Design: Identify a specific qualitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as descriptive design, exploratory design, hermeneutics, lived experience, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario.

Qualitative Sampling Strategy: Be specific.

Qualitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.

Note: Use proper APA format. If helpful, support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

THis is a Sample of how to do it please follow the exact sample

Program of Study: Teaching Psychology


Social Problem: Social Problem: There is currently a lack of knowledge of the use of essential oils for counselor self-care, in particular stress management.


Qualitative Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know how essential oils contribute to counselors’ stress levels.


Qualitative Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify counselor’s experiences with different essential oils and map their experiences to their stress levels.


Qualitative Research Question: How do counselors describe their experiences with different essential oils in regards to their stress level?


Theory or Conceptual Framework: I will use The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. This theoretical framework analyzes coping strategies in specific categories. The category that I will use is called emotion-focused coping strategy. Through primary research, by interviewing counselors, I will explore their experiences with essential oils as an emotion-focused coping strategy. (Utwente, 2017).


Qualitative Research Design: The qualitative research design is called, Grounded Theory, which builds a theory about what I am researching. (Qualitative Research Design Concepts table). How this fits with my scenario is that I am looking to build a theory about how essential oils help counselors to manage their emotions in a positive way when they are under stress. To do that, I will focus on these three main objectives:

1.Analyze how counselors interpret their emotional experiences of using essential oils for stress management.

2.Understand how counselors construct their worlds of caring for their own emotional health despite stressful life events and working environments.

3.Design a question guide to uncover what meaning counselors attribute to their experiences of using essential oils for stress management.


Qualitative Sampling Strategy: I will contact Walden Masters or Phd-level students studying Psychology, and ask them if they would like to participate in my study to see how essential oils help them with managing their stress. To contact the students, I will post my invitation for participants in the class café for the Walden classes that I am enrolled in. In terms of sample size, I estimate that I need to interview somewhere between 20-30 students. The actual number of students that I interview will depend on when I have reached saturation, meaning that I have gathered enough data that no new themes or insights would come from any further interviews. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018). It is common to use this sample size strategy in the grounded theory approach of qualitative interviews. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).


Qualitative Data Collection Method: Given that I live in India, and the research participants also may live in all different corners of the world, the best data collection method will be for me to conduct in-depth video interviews over Skype. My interviews will last for 60 minutes each, and I will use open-ended questions designed to discover and explore participants views, experiences and reactions to using essential oils to manage their stressful emotions.

(Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).



Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Qualitative Research Design Concepts table. Retrieved from Walden:

University of Twente. (2017). Communication studies theories. Retrieved from

My Week 1 Assignment

Discussion Week 1

Jill Michel-Jean


Research Foundation

Program of study; The specific program of study will be based on the social problem happening currently in the united states of America. The area of concentration is domestic and gender violence in the society. This is an issue that the society and the government have worked over three decades to halt it but it is still practiced in the country (Berns, 2017). The issue has led to murder of many women in the state, many are facing domestic violence in the area. Thus legislation is needed in the area so that to combat the issue.

Social problem: The social problem is based on the domestic and gender based violence in united states of America. It is also a global pandemic that affects most women in lifetime. According to statistics, 40% of women experienced this intimate violence in their families. Moreover, most of women have also been sexually assaulted by their partners. The instances are committed by their address the serious issue it requires significant learning and knowledge sharing through long-term programs.

Quantitative research problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which domestic and gender violence happens in the community and how it is a problem in most of the work places. Moreover, the problem differs when compared to many countries globally (Creswell and Creswell, 2018). Some of the them use legislation to prevent it but others have used it but it has not stopped.

Quantitative research purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to formulate new strategies that can bring domestic and gender violence into halt. Moreover, to find out the difference between the countries who have succeed to find the issue with the ones that have not succeeded like united states of America in using legislation.

Quantitative research question: what is the difference between the strategies used in some countries to combat domestic gender violence with the strategies used in the countries who have not accomplished the mission?

The area of concentration is domestic and gender violence in the society


Required Readings

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018).
Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 1: Qualitative Deigns (pp. 13–14 only)
  • Chapter 9: Qualitative Methods

Document: Qualitative Research Design Concepts (PDF)


Document: Examples of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios (PDF)

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