Reply About Discussion About Growth And Developmental Patterns Of Two Toddlers Of Different Ages

Reply About Discussion About Growth And Developmental Patterns Of Two Toddlers Of Different Ages

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Reply two other student posts of discussion with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.   Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns in Child Development

Children of different ages have different milestones as they grow older. Therefore, new observable changes always guarantee the parents and guardians that the development process is on the right track. Thus, this essay will compare and contrast the growth and development patterns of 18- and 3yrs toddlers using Gordon’s functional health patterns.

The health perception and health management pattern in 18 months toddlers is that they solely depend on their parents and healthcare professionals to be healthy; in most cases, when they are sick, they cannot express it (Laud, 2021). Still, they are likely to cry as this is their way of expressing discomfort and fear, as depicted in Gordon’s functional health pattern of coping and stress tolerance. Whereas in these two categories, a three-year-old toddlers will be able to point out where they are feeling sick, and they can express themselves when they feel stressed (Stanborough, 2019). Additionally, when they are under stress, they can be easily distracted by engaging in activities they like, such as playing.

Looking into the nutritional and metabolic pattern of the younger toddler, this child can drink well from a cup and feed using a spoon with the help of their parents. However, at this stage, the child can experience problems in their digestive system as they are still being introduced to more solid foods (Laud, 2021). Therefore, this functional health pattern is closely related to the pattern and elimination functional health, as poor nutritional metabolism will result in bad bowel movements. While a three-year-old toddler feeds well, problems in their digestion system can show through food allergies (Stanborough, 2019).

An 18 months toddler’s pattern of activity and exercise is likely to be depicted through their running, walking, and engaging in other fun activities such as playing. This also relates directly to their sleeping patterns and rest, as they are likely to sleep 12 hours daily due to their engagement in more body movements than before. Moreover, a three-year-old toddler is expected to engage in more rigorous physical activities but will have a sleep range of eight to twelve hours daily.

Moreover, the cognitive functional health pattern of an 18 months toddler is depicted when the child identifies objects and their function. In contrast, a three-year-old toddler is likely to start asking questions about things surrounding them, and they speak fluently with a good memory. Considering the pattern of self-perception, self-concept, and sexual reproductive functions, the 18 months toddler can respond to their names but is unaware of the various genders that exist. In contrast, a three-year-old toddler can respond to their name and need to belong to a social setting such as a playgroup and know the genders around them (Laud, 2021).

The pattern of values and beliefs in an 18-month-old toddler differs from the three-year-old, as the older one is aware of the good and bad deeds taught by their parents. In contrast, the younger toddler cannot differentiate between good and bad. Therefore, they fully depend on their guardians to guide them. In conclusion, all these functions assist in assessing a child’s physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development