Psy 4600 number 2

Psy 4600 number 2

Note: You must complete and receive feedback on this assessment before moving on to submit Assessment 3.

In Assessment 5, you will design an ethically appropriate research proposal plan for a psychological research study. Before beginning Assessment 2, review Assessment 5. Consider the parameters for Assessment 5, and choose a topic that you would like to research in Assessment 2 as well as the remaining assessments in this course.

Then, conduct research in the Capella University Library on your topic. Identify 4–8 articles on your topic of interest to read and analyze for use in this assessment.

Write a literature review in the form of a 6–8 page paper in which you discuss the following:

  1. A research question and methodology needed to address it: Begin your paper by clearly identifying both the research question and hypothesis that your proposal will address as well as the research methodology you plan to (hypothetically) use. If your plan is for qualitative work, research questions are sufficient. Please operationalize the variables and provide a brief explanation as to the method of research that will be employed and a brief rationale for your choice.
  2. The research question’s relevance: Include a description of why this topic is important to research in the context of current literature on the topic. Provide scholarly information that supports your view.
  3. Theories underscoring the area of research: Describe the specific psychological theory or theories related to the chosen topic that are best suited to form the foundation for the proposed research. Be sure to identify how this theory pertains to the proposed research.
  4. A literature review of the 4–8 related articles you identified for this assessment.
    1. Consider how these articles inform the research questions you posed.
    2. Include a discussion of some of the research methodologies employed.
    3. Identify any limitations of the studies (for example, small sample size, focusing on one age group only) and gaps in the research.

Be sure to include a concluding paragraph for your literature review.

Additional Requirements
  • Written communication:Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to current APA guidelines for style and formatting.
  • Length: A typical response will be 6–8 typed and double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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