Professional Nursing

Professional Nursing

Nursing homework help

Regulation and Standards of Practice:

 Group Writing Assignment

The scope of nursing practice is clearly outlined through regulatory legislation and standards of practice. This scholarly writing assignment will provide an opportunity to further understand the role of the Registered Practical Nurse by exploring what it means to be a regulated health care professional. Through this scholarly writing assignment, the student nurse will begin to understand the legislation and standards that define the responsibilities of the Registered Practical Nurse.

Working in small groups (2-3 students) respond to the following questions. Your responses should demonstrate your understanding of bring a regulated health care professional as well as the standards of practice.

For each topic please use 250-500 words to answer the following questions in paragraph format. 1-2 references should be used for each topic, in-text references should be provided as well as a reference list.

Topic 1: Regulated Health Professional

What does it mean to be a Regulated Health Professional according to the Regulated Health Professionals Act?

Why regulation is important in healthcare?

How does the College of Nurses of Ontario’s adhere to the legislation for a self-regulating profession? (Consider: Standards of practice, criteria for registration, quality assurance, practice guidelines)

What is the purpose of registration for nurses? Why is it important for nurses to be registered?

Topic 2: Standards of Practice 

What is the significance of the College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standards to RPN practice?

Using the Practice Standards: Professional Standards, Revised 2002 (2018), Choose two of the professional standards and provide an explanation of how the RPN enacts the professional standards in practice.


· Be written in APA format 7th edition with citations and references according to APA @ Conestoga

· Each section will be 250-500 words

· Be in Ariel 12 font, double-spaced

· Submitted electronically on the course shell.

· Turn-it-in enabled on shell.