Personal Statement

Personal Statement

1. I need someone very creative to help me analyze my personal statement and summarize it to only the essentials. it is currently 1400 words but i need to bring it down to 1000. I need someone with critical thinking that can identify the most important parts to keep for an application to a master’s.

2. I need help changing all of the parts that talk about the IO program in TexasA&M to the University of Houston Clare Lake program. It has to sound passionate about the program

You will need to read about the program here :

Personal Statement

My educational and professional backgrounds have significantly impacted my development and growth and consequently directed my decision to apply to a Graduate Program to pursue a master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. With my academic background credentials, I have built a professional portfolio by holding various employments and additional self-education that have given me a well-rounded skillset.

From May 2016 to October 2017, I was grateful to have had the opportunity to work for the second biggest ice manufacturing company in the Republic of Panama. During my time at the company, I was tasked with various duties both during my initial starting position and my last employment position. Initially, I was tasked with managing an inventory of around 1000 electronic spare parts, maintenance of these parts, preparation of purchase orders, and keeping an inventory account. Through hard work and consistent performance, I was promoted to a sales assistant, which was my final position at the company. Under this position, I would travel through the country, supervising twenty employees and providing assessments of customer services that were rendered to our main clients, who were comprised of hotels, restaurants, stores, and supermarkets. After conducting the assessments, part of my work was to make weekly reports of the surveys concerning customer complaints, asset losses, and any other reported event that affected customer service quality. I would also report on the result of the evaluation of the twenty employees that I was supervising. My duties as a sales assistant also included assisting with the technical enhancement of delivery routines by availing descriptions of the car routes and any other intermediary event that occurred during each ice delivery. Besides my employment, I have also dedicated my time to voluntary services. I volunteered with FSU Panama’s Change Club and participated in various charity events, including working with animal shelters. While undertaking my child psychology class, I was able to volunteer at a local orphanage in Panama which helped to broaden my world view. One aspect that enabled me to work well within these mentioned activities is that I am bilingual in both English and Spanish. This factor has always expanded by ability for communication and interaction.

My college studies began in May 2016 at Florida State University in the Republic of Panama. During my first year in college, my major geared towards business, although this was not what I wanted to focus on throughout my studies. As a result, I did not perform as well as I had intended to. However, I believe it was for the best as I later grew an intense passion for psychology, and by 2018, I decided to change my major. My career line consequently changed, and my GPA significantly improved. I have had a wonderful time undertaking my studies and pursuing courses in personalities, research, social psychology, child psychology, body, language, mind, abnormal psychology, brain and behavior, and clinical psychology. Various topics caught my attention while undertaking these classes. I developed a life-long curiosity about the working of the human mind and social behaviors at a subconscious level. To date, I would say that I am more inclined to learn about humans’ social aspect and their personalities. During my college time, I also developed an interest in learning about stereotyping, personalities, prejudice, and their relation to personal experiences and environmental factors. Among my favorite moments of the class was learning how human beings develop an unconscious prejudice of others. Also, I enjoyed learning how to understand different personalities with differing developmental and evolutionary perspectives.

Besides academics, I also engaged in extra curriculum activities while at the university. From 2018-2019, I had one of the four positions in the Florida State University Cayuco Boat Team. In Panama, Cayuco is regarded as one of the most prestigious and popular sports. The sport consists of teams of 4 that paddle together; hence it was very demanding. A participant has to train and paddle for at least one year to complete a 43-mile race across the Panama Canal. The race is referred to as the Ocean-to-Ocean (Atlantic to Pacific) race because participants commence the race in the Pacific Ocean and finish in the Atlantic Ocean. During this period, I was also a member of a champion Dragon Boat team, called “Friendship”. As a team member, I was fortunate to participate and win several podiums across countries for the Pan American Dragon Boat Association. These experiences helped mold the person I am today as I learned many important values, such as group work, solidarity, coordination, patience, trust, and endurance. These values have empowered me not to give up on my dreams regardless of the hurdles that I might encounter.

My college, work, and personal life experiences have motivated me to develop myself as an individual, which is why I have a strong desire to continue advancing my studies. This will set a good ground for me to be an influential person in the world. I intend to work hard to broaden my knowledge in the field and possibly pursue a Ph.D. I am a strong believer that no one can exist on their own. Hence, I am always supportive of teamwork, and I work well in groups. I am always ready to offer a helping hand where needed and share my knowledge as I also learn from others. My passion for what I do is the main driving force behind my persistence, and I always ensure that I give 100% input in all of my work. I am diligent with responsibilities, and I believe in accountability. Finally, I recognize that learning is a never-ending process. Hence, I always aim to improve my skills and to be a positive person by offering positive contributions and going the extra mile when needed. My goal is to do what I can with what I have to make myself better for society, myself, and those who have contributed to making me the person I am today.

I have been interested in I-O Psychology specifically since I took careers in psychology in Fall 2019 at Florida State University. I have particularly had a lot of exposure to I-O psychology within my family’s businesses. Although I started to get involved in the family’s businesses since I was 15 years old, it was in 2015 when I became fully immersed in the different companies. During these years, I realized the importance of having strong human resources and management for businesses of any size. One of the important things that I became significantly concerned about was experiencing how harmful it is for a business to lack a work environment that fosters cooperation, creativity, performance, diversity, and employee satisfaction and motivation. I also became engrossed in finding better approaches to employee testing, leadership, and product design. I find the design and development of training programs to address organizational priorities to be enormously principal. I also harbor the views that organizational leaders or managers need to balance their knowledge and understanding of the available, talented employees amongst their staff members and their knowledge and understanding of how best to combine their talents and skills to meet the priority objectives to lead high-performance teams. Additionally, I must state that my greatest satisfaction is to lead change management efforts within organizations. To me, a well-executed job is where the outcomes are satisfactory to all the parties involved.

Contemporaneously, the never-ending changes and uncertainties within organizations have a considerable impact on their politics and financing. This occurrence has also made the I-O psychology field to be an ever-advancing science and practice. Thus, when I learned about the field of I-O psychology early last year, I found it to be perfect for me based on my previous experiences. I want to be part of a program where I would be able to deeply learn critical psychological concepts related to employee selection, ergonomics, organizational development, performance management, training and development, and work-life. I look forward to undertaking a program that teaches people’s behavior (tasks’ performance) in their respective work settings and how they can become effective, fulfilled, satisfied, and rewarded and maintain their productivity. Additionally, my ideal I-O psychology program teaches theoretical and practical lessons on how organizations can be developed and sustained; and how one can apply psychological principles, research, theories, and interventions in the design and implementation of practical solutions to all sorts of organizational challenges.

Among others, these reasons are why I believe that the I-O psychology program at the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University will be of great fit to my academic and professional needs. The institution has a deep reputation for producing some of the best minds in psychology and as a center of scholarly excellence in I/O psychology by conducting high-quality basic and applied research. I would be thrilled to be part of this alumni team. Like the institution, I believe strongly that a strong foundation in basic and applied research skills and the theoretical underpinning of I-O psychology is essential for academic and applied work. Therefore, I humbly request that you consider my application for the program, and I am looking forward to contacting the institution for any further assistance or details.

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