Nutritional Principles In Nursing

Nutritional Principles In Nursing

Nursing homework help


Tom Lee

Briana’s situation is familiar. I know the preparation styles and food choices that are being made around her home. It’s classical soul food. Most ethnicities have a form that is uniquely from their community, and it can be very unhealthy in the traditional sense. There is no portion control or nutritional knowledge, but more focus is placed on taste and affordability. Both can be detrimental when trying to ensure a healthy diet. The fact is that neither of those choices is the real problem. The real problem is knowledge. You can have tasty, healthy foods, and you can have affordable, healthy food. I’m not blaming Briana’s family; it is passed down through the generations. It is something we need to change.


Briana’s mother could look to cook less fried foods and incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh is the key here. Stay away from canned fruits, which have more syrup and sweeteners added. Canned vegetables lose some of their nutritional value when canned and preserved. This gives us the illusion that we are eating healthier than we are.


Briana is in a severe situation; the positive note I came away with was that her family seems to realize it. That is the first step. Recognizing an issue and seeking education and knowledge to change it is crucial. Their journey won’t be easy, but I hope they stay strong as a family and make the necessary sacrifices.


Juliana Zhang

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Describe how Briana’s mother should change meal preparations to be healthier. 

In the video, Briana’s mother is very positive and wants to make some changes. But the point is that she does not know what to do, no one ever taught her, and she knows she needs to learn how to eat to lose weight and how to eat to be healthier. In the video, Briana’s mother is preparing for her family. It was a pot of broth without any vegetables and a thick layer of grease floating on the surface. This fat from animals is saturated fat. Saturated fat is a type of dietary fat. It is one of the unhealthy fats, along with trans fat. These fats are most often solid at room temperature. Foods like butter, palm and coconut oils, cheese, and red meat have high amounts of saturated fat.(NLM) Saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease and also causes weight gain. The nutritional content of canned vegetables and fruits may be similar to fresh vegetables and fruits. However, many canned fruits and vegetables have added sodium and sugar to enhance flavor. Too much sugar can cause insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes. Salt can cause water gain and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart failure, heart attack and stroke.

Briana’s family should make a change in these three ways. Increase dietary fiber intake, such as brown rice, rye, oats, etc., as staple foods. Reduce red meat intake and switch to white meat, such as fish or chicken. Increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, various green vegetables, and low-sugar fruits. Quit high-sugar snacks and eat snacks such as freeze-dried fruits and dried fruits and vegetables.

Describe strategies that might engage Briana in the process of preparing the meals.

Consider designing a menu with the grocery shopping list for it. The menu shows the process of cooking the meal they chose for today. Briana can go grocery shopping with her mother and show the cooking process. The meal designed for her family should be easy to make, and ingredients should be easily available. She may gain a sense of accomplishment from being able to cook nutritious and delicious food for her family. The nutritious education should be considered with Briana together. Compared with only letting Briana’s mother change her diet style, Briana is just 12 years old so she will be more acceptable.

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