Nursing homework help

When it comes to teaching their students, nursing schools have a wide variety of approaches. However, in online classes, the standard method entails weekly/Modular sessions of student-instructor interaction through the use of discussion boards. You can rely on our writers to always deliver your Discussion Board post and replies on time. Any weekly follow-up assignments are also completed on time and to the highest standards of grammar and originality. We do all the work for you when it comes to PowerPoint presentations, and we also develop the scripts for your recordings so all you have to do is read along. We take pride in reducing our clients’ workload as much as possible.


1. Give the discussion prompt a critical read.

Pay particular attention to the following:

  • For what purpose are you being asked to react, and what kind of question or reading is required?
  • Specifics: How many words are we allowed to have? When is the deadline, and what time is it? From what kinds of sources are you supposed to take inspiration?
  • What kind of response are we looking for from you? Do we want you to draw on personal experience, figure out a solution to a problem, compare and contrast two views, or make an argument?
  • Formatting: Which formatting style has been specified by your instructor? In cases when no particular formatting instructions are provided, general APA principles should be used.

The following is a list of expectations: how will your discussion post be graded? Please refer to the materials provided by your instructor.

2. Prepare sufficiently.

Before you start writing your post, you need to be sure that you have read all of the required readings and given them careful consideration.

Get access to the feedback that your instructor has provided on past assignments. What specific areas of this upcoming post do you feel need to be strengthened in light of the input you’ve received?

After you’ve finished reading, set aside some time to write down your thoughts, ideas, and reactions to what you’ve just read.

Evaluate the amount of evidence you have to support a given assertion, response, or claim, and choose one or two of your strongest ideas as the basis for the structure of your response.

Put together a basic overview of your evidence using logical reasoning to ensure that your assertion is understandable and convincing.

3. Construct a draft of the document.

Discussion post assignments often feature many questions. Use a topic phrase to pull all of the arguments together into one major argument, assertion, or purpose rather than responding them in the order that they were presented.

Make use of the facts you have gathered to develop your response and convince your audience by providing support for your thesis with readings from the assigned material or other outside sources (if permitted or required).

Make it a point to check that each piece of evidence you include helps to maintain the post’s focus, relevance, clarity, and scholarly tone.

When posting in an online context, it is more professional to use sentence case rather than ALL CAPS.

Make sure that any information or ideas that came from outside sources have been properly credited in your piece, and that you have included a complete reference at the very end.

4. Go back and make changes.

After you have finished writing your piece, you should evaluate your thoughts by questioning yourself:

  • Is my primary thought understandable, and does it contribute meaningfully to the topic at hand?
  • Does my response show that I have read the required readings and thought critically about the material?
  • Have I presented an original viewpoint that can be debated by the other students in the class?
  • Do I back up my assertion with evidence from the necessary readings or from other trustworthy sources found outside the classroom?
  • Have I written in an academic manner, steering clear of jargon and language that is excessively conversational?
  • Have I reviewed my response to ensure that it is correct in terms of language, style, and structure?

5. Submit.

Simply cut, paste, or copy and paste the final version of your draft into the appropriate place on the topic.

Perform a speedy check to ensure that the upload process did not result in any accidental formatting changes.

Be patient as you wait for the responses from the other students in your class.

Writing A Substantive Discussion Post for An Online Class Forum

The forum in an online class is meant to mimic what would happen in a traditional classroom. Rather than serving as a replacement for a traditional writing assignment, this type of task provides an excellent opportunity to go deeper into the course material. While the online discussion forum may allow for less formal writing, the critical thinking and practical application of course material should not be treated as casual. The classroom topic comes to life thanks to your active participation and the insights of your instructor and classmates.


Providing supporting evidence for your position in a well-written post is expected of all participants. What I mean is: what gives you those feelings? Any valid argument or justification for your position is required. Critical and persuasive writing skills will be required. You will demonstrate your understanding of the material, connect it to real-world examples, and explain your reasoning in an online conversation. A problem might be solved thanks to your post.

Your ability to critically write will be taken into account by the instructor when evaluating your participation in online discussion forums. Your answer in a discussion forum, for instance, should defend a theory or justify an opinion. You should back up your claim with evidence from credible professional and/or governmental websites as well as peer-reviewed papers.


When you are making a post in the forums, keep in mind the acronym “IDEA.”

Keep the term “IDEA” in mind while you write a thoughtful thread for your forum. The IDEA framework has four main ideas: Recognize, Deduce, or Infer the Learning Principle.


Learn more about the topic being discussed and share your thoughts on how it may be applied in the real world.

Finding, Making, or Inferring Forum Post Principles

Frequently, the online forum will provide a discussion prompt that states the intended topic of conversation and then directs you to elaborate on that topic in your response to the prompt. A topic might be anything from a specific person or place to an equal to or greater like an event or idea that is discussed in your textbook. It is the underlying principle being discussed amongst you and your peers.

Create a topic sentence that briefly and succinctly conveys the main point of your entire forum post. Topic sentences, which often appear at the beginning of a user’s forum post, should clearly state the post’s key argument. Then, using supporting sentences, you’ll elaborate on that main idea.


You can define and analyze the principle being investigated in your response to a forum post. A definition of the principle in question could be used to shed light on its central idea. Separating the principle into its constituent parts is another viable strategy.


Develop and clarify the principle at hand as you write your forum post. Stay away from broad generalizations and focus instead on making well-supported, narrow claims. An instructor may purposefully give you a broad topic to discuss in order to encourage you and your classmates to go deeper into a topic that is important to the course. You have a bit of leeway right now. Show that you can distinguish between and understand the interconnections among related ideas by inferring relevant details and drawing logical conclusions when necessary.


Respond to the question posed in the discussion prompt by developing an argument in your forum post that analyzes the topic at hand, applies it to a set of data, and then recommends some course of action. This method not only displays to your teacher that you are using sophisticated thought processes, but also that you are capable of critical analysis and creative problem solving.

When you take a stand for something, you get to draw your own conclusions based on the evidence provided. In a forum, you are free to express your view, but you must back it up with evidence. Please check your response for typos and grammatical errors. I regularly see forum replies that simply say “I agree” or “I disagree,” but this type of comment adds nothing to the learning environment of an online classroom. Defend your argument by giving specific details and justifications. The same goes for agreeing with another student’s major post or praising the work of a classmate. Feel free to congratulate a fellow student on a job well done if you so choose.

But be ready to defend why you think another student’s comment improves upon the discussion. To put it another way, the “IDEA” concept is not being used. Keep in mind that this online discussion is not a blog but rather an intellectual activity.

Responding to other students’ contributions can be done in a number of ways, one of which is to draw comparisons and contrasts between their own views and those of their peers. Look for parallels and divergences, and use them to enrich your conversation. Advocating for your viewpoint while maintaining mutual respect requires you to take a stand. You can add weight to your argument and support your position by citing a credible third-party resource, like a textbook or a reference book. When you have solid evidence to back up your claims, it’s more harder for your classmates or teacher to argue with you. It’s a good indicator to your teacher if you can back up your claims with evidence from the textbook.


Do not take anything said in the forum conversation personally. To a large extent, we rely our understanding of what is written on our past experiences. There is a possibility that our interpretations of what is being stated will differ from the author’s original intent. It’s easy to misinterpret what another student means if you only have access to their written words. It is rude to react to a forum post with all capital letters since it appears to the other readers as if you are shouting. Make your points clear by including exclamation and question marks. An emoji can be used to soften a statement if you’re worried about how it will be interpreted.

Keep in mind that the forum is intended for just that: talking. That’s not meant to be a dispute, argument, or “gotcha!” What it really is supposed to be, though, is a discussion that helps students think critically and go deeper into course material. So, feel free to share relevant examples from your personal life with the class. For instance, I gain insight from every single comment posted on the class discussion board.


Week 4 Discussion: Antidepressant Medications

Antidepressants are usually administered to reduce the symptoms of depression in a patients. However, when the patient is not correctly monitored, the continued use of antidepressants can lead to opposite effect like increased suicidal tendencies and actions especially when dealing with adolescents (Mushtaq, 2018). It is important for the clinician to become concerned when the patient begins to experience mood swings which could lead to the worsening of their condition (Naguy, 2019). Also when the patient begins to request more than the initial doses or suddenly quits the use of antidepressants, this could lead to possibilities of the patient experience suicidal behavior and thoughts.

Among the antidepressant factors related to the medication that could affect adherence, is ways they are linked to Akathisia, which is uncontrolled restlessness and lack of ability to be still (Naguy, 2019). When the discomfort increases the patient is likely to become suicidal as they become more agitated. They experience feelings of anxiety, paranoia, emotional challenges, and nervousness. Eventually they will withdraw from their social life, activities, and lack interest when it comes to performing normal tasks (Mushtaq, 2018). In any case, most of these patient using antidepressant will be thinking about or even commit suicide. 


Mushtaq, B. (2018). Anxiolytics and anti – Depressants and psychiatry nursing management. Advances in Pharmacology & Clinical Trials, 3(2).

Naguy, A. (2019). RAADs (Rapidly acting anti-depressants)—A quantum LEAP? Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 44, 156-157.

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