Nursing Healthcare Homework

Nursing Healthcare Homework

Nursing homework help

The specific directions are provided here in PDF form for your convenience. I am interested in pursuing a career in healthcare administration or health informatics.

Paper Topic:

Now that you have seen most of the professions we will cover this term, I hope you are prepared to choose one that best fits your personality and goals. The topic for this paper will be the profession that you are going to pursue after graduation. If you have decided to not pursue a career in health professions, please choose one of interest to you to write about for this class. You should write an overview of the profession and the steps you need to take to enter that career field. The guidelines below should be followed and are the minimum required. You should write a complete paper with a plan for your future. The goal is to present an overview of what you need to do to become the professional you want to be and explain in your own words what you believe that career will be like!

Turnitin is enabled in canvas and will detect anything copied, cut and pasted or ChatGPT written. All plaigarism including chat GPT written will be counted as academic dishonesty and result in a zero. If you quote something directly use quotation marks but this can not be more than a few sentences at most in the entire paper.

General requirements:


• 12 point Times New Roman font

• Single line spacing; no spaces between paragraphs (spaces after headings are OK)

• You must have five labeled sections, see below, followed by your references

• 1” margins on all sides

• No cover sheet

• Do not put your name in the document

You must adhere to the following formatting requirements:

Citations:* You must use APA or MLA in-text citations within your text to reference any information that you learned from anywhere. Anything you have learned about your profession, such as its educational/licensing/etc. requirements or nature of its work/duties must be cited. You should refer to the course lectures, the guest speakers, websites, journal articles, licensing boards, trade associations, graduate school websites, and so on in this paper. It is impossible to complete this assignment correctly without citations. See here for

how to cite in-text in APA & MLA:




HSC 2000 Final Paper

*Remember, anytime you use the same words/phrases (no matter how short) as the original source, you must put these words/phrases inside direct quotations and include page references. All other references to information you obtained elsewhere must be put fully into your own words and is only then considered paraphrase, which still requires a citation (see link above). Note: Please see the end of this document for more instructions on the final reference page.

*No more then 10% of this paper can be taken directly from another source! In other words even if it is a cited quotation you can not use more then 10% (roughly a few sentences total) of directly quoted material including charts etc. You obviously must have sources but you should read them, interpret them, then use your own words to write this paper. It is your future I want to be sure you understand what you are in for!


This paper should be no less than three and no more than five pages of written narrative text. This does not include your reference page. The header you should use is the word in bold for each section.

Paper Sections:

1. Introduction • Start your paper with an overview of the purpose of what you are writing about. • Name the career you are aspiring to, that is select one career • The career can be one you researched from your two completed Occupational

Research Worksheets • How long have you wanted to pursue this career? • Is this the same career you chose at the beginning of this course? If you have

changed your mind, tell the reader what career(s) you were initially considering and, briefly, your reason(s) for making the switch.

• What aspects of the profession interest you? How well suited to the career do you believe you are?

2. About the Profession • Describe what the profession is like on a daily basis—what type of duties will

you have? Answer this generally and specifically.




HSC 2000 Final Paper

o Example 1: If you want to be a doctor, describe that daily life/duties generally, and then specifically about the type of doctor you want to be.

o Example 2: If you want to pursue a career as a traveling physical therapist, describe physical therapy duties generally and then, specifically, what your duties/work life would be like as a traveling physical therapist.

• In this section you should also address the following: o Who supervises you? o In what context are you likely to work (hospital, private practice, etc.)? o What other healthcare professionals will you potentially work with/in what


3. Requirements of the profession: • What are the educational requirements for the profession? Be very specific

here. • Depending upon your chosen profession, this may or may not include a degree

beyond the bachelor’s degree you will earn from USF (for example a medical degree if you are planning to be a physician). See below for how to proceed:

o If your profession does require an additional degree or program of study beyond the bachelors:

§ What programs will you apply to? Name at least two programs, including the institution who sponsors the program and the full name of the degree

• If your profession does not require an additional degree beyond the bachelors: o What sources will you use to find jobs? (Job boards, hospital career

sites, etc.) You must list at least three.

• Identify two job announcements in your chosen profession that you feel qualified to apply for at the conclusion of your bachelor’s degree.

Describe them here in sentence form, but include a screenshot or copy/paste of the job announcement (including the direct link to the announcement) as an

appendix. What appeals to you about these positions, above? • If this profession requires a license or certification: What are the licensing

and certification requirements in the state you wish to work? (Name the state.)

• Is there an examination for licensing or certification? What is the exam called? When will you be ready to take it? (It should be made clear what the pre-requisites for the exam are.)




HSC 2000 Final Paper

• How will you continue your learning about this profession after this class? o What are the professional associations that you may wish to become

involved in? What will they offer you? o What types of continuing health professional education will you need to

do, for example Continuing Medical Education (CME). o What learning resources will you will consult in the future? How will they

benefit you?

5. Conclusion (approximately two paragraphs): • Discuss your feelings about your path toward this profession. Are you nervous?

Excited? Overwhelmed? • In sentence form, conclude your paper with the discussion of your feelings

and your specific next steps for pursuing this profession. Reference your 5-year timeline assignment and then include the graphic illustration of your timeline as an appendix (the timeline should be on its own page(s) and does not count toward meeting your page count minimum or maximum. The timeline needs to follow the requirements given earlier in the course.)

6. References: • Your reference list needs to be on a full page by itself (it does not count

toward the page count minimum or maximum). It should be titled “References” and list each reference in alphabetical order. You may use APA or MLA style, or any other style, if you ask for approval for that style from your instructor.

• Here are instructions on how to set up a reference page in APA: This site also shows you the specific ways to cite particular types of sources in APA or MLA.

• For references to the recorded guest speakers or to the recorded lectures, use the following format, where you enter the speaker’s last name, first initial, and name of presentation. Otherwise, use the data below:

o Scott, D. (Speaker). (2014). Name of presentation. HSC 2000 Introduction to Health Professions. Podcast retrieved from

7. Final check: • Be sure to submit thepaper as well as timeline, resume and occupational

worksheets in canvas. There are separate links in the final paper module so

4. Continued learning:




HSC 2000 Final Paper

you can easily upload each document however they are part of the final paper grade.

• Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab at

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