Microbiology Power Point

Microbiology Power Point

Nursing homework help

Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.

Sphingomonas – bright yellow colonies. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.

Environments – Door Knob (left) / Nail (right)


Bacillus – large, white colony. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Mouth (left) / Phone (right)

Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colony. Bacteria.

Sphingomonas – bright yellow colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Phone (left) / Pit (right)


Sphingomonas – bright yellow colonies. Bacteria.


Zygomycetes – black reproductive spores. Fungus. Fuzzy growth.

Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Laptop (left) / Cell Phone (right)


Sphingomonas – bright yellow colonies. Bacteria.

Streptomyces – white wrinkled colonies. Bacteria.

Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Elevator (left) / Trash (right)


Streptomyces – white wrinkled colony. Bacteria.

Sphingomonas – bright yellow colony. Bacteria.

Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Back of ear (left) / Lash line (right)


Bacillus – large, white colonies. Bacteria.

Streptomyces – white wrinkled colony. Bacteria.

Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.

Sphingomonas – bright yellow colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Men’s Toilet (left) / Right Cheek (right)


Staphylococcus – small, white colonies. Bacteria.


Environments – Right Tonsil (left) / Left Tonsil (right)


Question #2: Why do you think the specific types of exposure (air, hair, tabletop, etc.) were chosen for this exercise?


The environments were chosen because they typically have lots of different microbes living on them.

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