Journal and response
Complete the following assignments for this module. All assignments are due by the end of the module unless otherwise noted. Be aware that this module has portions of assignments due at different time throughout the week. Please double check those due dates.
- Watch the BBC documentary on The Stanford Prison Experiment (embedded below)
- This BBC documentary highlights this experiment and provides an insider’s look at what the men faced who volunteered for this experiment. I suggest you read the Writing Circle prompt BEFORE watching this video.
- Watch The Twilight Zone episode, “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” (embedded below)
- Rod Serling’s vision of a social psychology experiment. This episode is short and you will benefit from watching it more than once to fully understand what is happening in the episode and to respond thoughtfully in the Writing Circle. I suggest you read the Writing Circle prompt BEFORE watching this video.
- Listen to Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds (embedded below)
- You should read the prompt for RJ7 BEFORE you listen to the program. Listen closely and take notes during the radio program based on the prompt provided.
- Complete Response Journal #7 (RJ7)
- This response journal is a formal, essay-style written response to this week’s reading. A prompt is provided. Read the prompt BEFORE listening to the audio program.
- Complete all parts of Experiment and Responsibility Writing Circle
- This discussion board prompt is broken into multiple parts with different due dates. Read the prompt BEFORE watching the assigned videos.
- The first part is the individual response. The guidelines for this response are detailed in the prompt. Please note the mid-week due date for this portion of the assignment.
- The second part is the sharing circle. This portion will continue throughout the week. Again, detailed guidelines are available in the prompt. Please ask immediately if you have questions as this is group work and others in the class are counting on the full participation of their peers within the groups.
(Note: You will need to complete all the assignments in each module before access will be given to the next module.)
Response Journal 7
Drawing from the dominant themes in Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds” respond to the following:
- Discuss how suspicion, fear, and paranoia play a harmful and destructive role in our own world. (Cite the texts to support your response.)
- Decide if you feel CBS Broadcasting or Orson Welles had an ethical obligation to consider the potential fear their listeners may feel before broadcasting “War of the Worlds.” Explore and defend your position.
Guidelines for Response Journals:
- Will be typed in a Word document
- Will be 500 words minimum in length (add word count at end of journal)
- Will cite the relevant text using proper documentation (include Works Cited)
- Will have a title along with the journal number
- Will use MLA format; one-inch margins, 12-point font, double spaced
Discussion – Experiment and Responsibility
Begin this Writing Circle discussion after completing this week’s reading in the assigned novel.
Writing Circle Guidelines and Instructions
Individual Response
Complete your Individual Response using the prompt given below. Your IR should be written in a separate document then cut/pasted into a new thread on the discussion board. Be sure your IR follows these guidelines:
- Will focus on the specific prompt provided below
- Will be a minimum of 200 words in length to be considered “acceptable”
- “Superior/Exceptional” responses will go above and beyond in detail, clarity, complexity, and thoughtfulness
- Will directly reference the reading(s)/lecture(s) (use at least one citation from each source)
- Will include proper MLA citation and Works Cited listing at the end
- Will be posted by Friday at 11:59 p.m. by starting a new thread on discussion board
Sharing Circle
After the due date/time for the individual response, return to the discussion board to begin the Sharing Circle. You’ll begin this by taking the time to carefully read and consider each of your peers’ Individual Responses. The specific questions and guidelines for participating in the SC are listed below. The SC is an on-going discussion that will continue from Friday night to Sunday night when the week is over. All SC posts must follow these guidelines:
- Create one SC post for each peer in your group
- Will focus on the specific questions provided
- Will be about 100 words in length
- Will be a response that is thoughtful, respectful, but challenging
- Upload the reaction posts by replying to each peer’s Individual Response
As a classroom courtesy and to work toward earning full credit for the Writing Circle, take some time at the very end of the week to give short replies of acknowledgement and thanks to your peers who have posted to your individual response and joined you in conversation.
Module 9 Writing Circle Prompt
Individual Response
After watching the assigned video documentary and television program, consider and write about the following:
The BBC documentary on the Stanford Prison Experiment and The Twilight Zone episode, “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” are both social experiments, one real and one fictionalized, but both have repercussions for their participants and the belief systems they hold. In your Individual Response, explore those repercussions and define the specific factors in the experiments that you feel cause the most profound and lasting change.
Sharing Circle
- Read the Individual Responses of those in your peer group.
- Reading others’ writing often leads us to ask questions. What point does your peer make that raises a question for you? Address that question with your peer. As part of your conversation, discuss possible answers to the question that may lead to a better understanding of the topic of the assigned material.
- Discuss briefly in your conversation one idea in your individual response that differs from the ideas of your peer.