Job Analysis Assignment
This assignment will require you to consider essentially all aspects of personnel psychology.
1. Create a job description (JOB: LICENSED MEDICAL ASSISTANT)
- There are 5 parts to a job description (see slides 11 and 12 of the “Job Analysis” powerpoint).
- You may find O*Net useful for this part of the assignment in particular!
2. Describe the relevant criteria for the job analyzed in Step 1.
- How will you measure performance for the job?
- Will you use a single global criterion, a composite criterion, multiple criteria, etc.
- If using performance ratings, describe who will be rating.
- If using multiple or composite criteria, be sure to list all the different parts being used or factored in.
- Are there any other criteria you might look at? (OCBs, CWBs, absenteeism, etc.)
3.What screening and selection tools will you use?
- Think carefully here—don’t just list all the tools we went over in class!
- Describe how each screening/selection tool is related to the job; be specific
- For example, if you’re using a personality inventory as a selection tool, describe which traits will predict which aspects of performance (e.g., “the Agreeableness factor of personality will be related to the individual’s ability to work well with their coworkers”)
- How will applicants be processed through the selection system?
- Will there be multiple hurdles? If so, what tools will you use at each phase?
- Will you combine various predictors (i.e., multiple regression), use cutoffs for each predictor (i.e., multiple cutoff), etc.