Hum Ecology & Environment w6 peers response

Hum Ecology & Environment w6 peers response


Your responses should consist of your informed input. One or two-sentence peer responses will not fetch full points. Do not merely recite the content you read in the unit; don’t simply give your opinion.

Your input should be in your own words (to avoid plagiarism), demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic. Be sure to support all your posts (initial post + responses) with specific references to the assigned readings, lecture material, and other relevant research you find appropriate in APA format.

1st peer resp


Keaver Rosenthal

2.Why is a global perspective necessary when addressing climate change and other environmental concerns? Use at least two specific examples when formatting your response and support it with scholarly literature. What happens if governments focus only on the regional or state level when drafting climate policies? Next, as a nurse, how would you disseminate this often complex, global perspective to others? Can you contribute to system/global issues from an individual level?

The global perspective is necessary when addressing climate change and other environmental concerns for many reasons. Climate change and other environmental concerns affect more than Many people think. Not only does it impact forests, the ozone, coral reefs, and even people, but it also affects things such as food prices, opportunities for the natural world, soil degradation, shifts in temperature, wildfires, droughts, wind patterns, and sea levels. One specific example is Wildfires around the world, commonly in California, from droughts in water and rain. Another example is sea levels rising because of temperature increases and ozone depletion causing increased polar ice melting. If the government only focused on the regional or state level when drafting climate policies, the policies would not address all issues. If you are only addressing issues that affect the western region of the world, those policies set in place would not affect things that could happen in the southern region of the world. Making sure that all aspects of the world are addressed is a very important part when making policies to make sure that everyone is safe and there is a plan in case incidents do happen. The government only addressing local or regional issues leaves the rest of the world open for issues with no plan or help. As a nurse, there are many things we can do to disseminate this global perspective. A few ways are having empathy, respect, and understanding diverse populations, advocating for your patients, as well as providing care and treatments based on community-based studies. On an individual level, you can use what you need, and when you have to throw something out, dispose of it properly. Educate others to do the same, and participate in local clean-ups of parks, rivers, beaches, and beyond, choose products from companies who use resources responsibly and are committed to cutting their gas emissions and waste, also speak up and get others to join in taking action.



Hakes, J. (2021, July 12). Climate change is a global challenge that requires a global perspective. The Hill.

United Nations. (n.d.). What is climate change?. United Nations.,catastrophic%20storms%20and%20declining%20biodiversity


2nd peer resp

Danielle Burwick

Why is a global perspective necessary when addressing climate change and other environmental concerns? Use at least two specific examples when formatting your response and support it with scholarly literature. What happens if governments focus only on the regional or state level when drafting climate policies? Next, as a nurse, how would you disseminate this often complex, global perspective to others? Can you contribute to system/global issues from an individual level? (USLOs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)


From a global perspective, environmental issues are recognized as interconnected events that call for coordinated efforts, shared accountability, and cross-border action to effectively address them. Global perspectives enable us to comprehend these interconnections and collaborate to address environmental issues such as climate change, which transcend national boundaries. For example, greenhouse gas emissions from one country can impact weather patterns and ecosystems across the globe. The UN High Commission on Refugees reports that natural disasters have displaced more than 26 million people annually since 2008—nearly a third of the total number of people forcibly displaced during this time period. Environmental insecurity is a significant, though frequently underestimated, contributor to global instability (“The Geopolitics of Environmental Challenges,” 2017). Vulnerable communities and regions are disproportionately impacted by climate change; recognizing and addressing these disparities from a global perspective ensures that solutions take the needs of the most affected parties into account. When agriculture is overly dependent on particular regions, food production can worsen existing environmental issues or even cause the emergence of new ones. This can lead to conflicts between the interests of local and global consumers, as has happened along the Mississippi River, where fertilizer runoff from one of the world’s breadbaskets is causing problems with water quality (“The Geopolitics of Environmental Challenges,” 2017). Cooperation among nations promotes innovation in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and other vital fields that can reduce environmental harm. Organizing workshops, seminars, or informational sessions on the effects of climate change on health and healthcare systems is one way that nurses can take advantage of their unique position to educate colleagues and patients about the relationship between health and the environment. Often working directly with communities, nurses can empower people to make more environmentally conscious decisions by bringing communities into discussions about environmental health and showing how local actions relate to global issues. Yes, individual acts collectively can bring about global change. People can support companies, groups, and projects that put sustainability first, which will impact consumer behavior and inspire others to do the same.


The geopolitics of environmental challenges. (2017, March 1). The Nature Conservancy.

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