Hospice Interview

Hospice Interview

Nursing homework help

Contact the hospice office manager and set up an appointment to interview either him/her or the physician.

Complete and submit the pre-set interview questions

  1. How long have you been in business?
  2. What degree(s) do you need to operate your business?
  3. What are the type(s) of clients’ you serve?
  4. What regulations/license(s) are you governed under?
  5. Are you bound by HIPAA rules/regulations? If not, how do you maintain security and confidentiality of the patient/client health record?
  6. How do you ensure the completeness, timeliness, and accuracy of records?
  7. Do you have an electronic health record? if yes- what is the name of system? If not, what type of filing system do you have for patient/client health records?
  8. What does the role of a health information management/medical record professional look like at the organization?


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