Healthcare System Comparison

Healthcare System Comparison

Nursing homework help

Attached is a template as well as a previous student example. Template must be followed and work must be 100% original no plagiarism. Paper must be in APA format.

A. Compare the U.S. healthcare system with the healthcare system of Great Britain, Japan, Germany, or Switzerland, by doing the following:

1. Identify one country from the following list whose healthcare system you will compare to the U.S. healthcare system: Great Britain, Japan, Germany, or Switzerland.

The identified country for comparison is from the given list.

2. Compare access between the two healthcare systems for children, people who are unemployed, and people who are retired.

The comparison accurately describes access to healthcare systems in both the U.S. and the country chosen in part A1 for children, people who are unemployed, and people who are retired. The comparison logically describes the similarities and differences between access to each of the healthcare systems for all of the given groups of people.

a. Discuss coverage for medications in the two healthcare systems.

The discussion of coverage for medications is accurate and relevant to both the U.S. healthcare system and the healthcare system of the country chosen in part A1.

b. Determine the requirements to get a referral to see a specialist in the two healthcare systems.

The submission accurately determines the requirements to get a referral to see a specialist for both the U.S. healthcare system and the healthcare system of the country chosen in part A1.

c. Discuss coverage for preexisting conditions in the two healthcare systems.

The discussion of coverage for preexisting conditions is accurate and relevant to both the U.S. healthcare system and the healthcare system of the country chosen in part A1.

3. Explain two financial implications for patients with regard to the healthcare delivery differences between the two countries (i.e.; how are the patients financially impacted).

The explanation logically discusses 2 financial implications for the patient in regards to the delivery differences in both the U.S. healthcare system and the healthcare system of the country chosen in part A1.


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