health psychology essay 2
Health Improvement Paper #2. This is a 750-1000 word paper in which you will (1) present a daily account of what you did to improve your health for at least 10 days, (2) write at least one page on what you learned from the experience, and (3) write at least one page on what you can do in the future to improve your health.
As with Paper #1, use the following guidelines.
For this paper, use the following guidelines:
- Formatting: All assignments should be double spaced, with 1” margins all around, Times New Roman 12 point font, and no extra spaces between paragraphs.
- Turning in Assignments: Assignments are due to Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on the day they are due. Uploaded assignments should be .doc, .docx, or PDF files only. NOTE: You are always welcome to turn in assignments early – however, late assignments will not be accepted.
- Academic Writing: You will be graded on your use of proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. You should avoid using profanity or slang.
- Naming the File: When naming your file, please use the following format: Last Name, First name, SID, Paper Number. For example, if you are completing the first paper, it should look like: Anteater, Peter, 12345687, Paper 2