Evidence Based Practice: For Nurses, Will The Use Of De-Escalation Techniques As Compared To No Use Of De-Escalation Techniques Reduce Workplace Violence?

Evidence Based Practice: For Nurses, Will The Use Of De-Escalation Techniques As Compared To No Use Of De-Escalation Techniques Reduce Workplace Violence?

Nursing homework help

Need to complete assignment attached using both research and non-research articles (also attached).

Research:  Literature Synthesis: Patient Aggression Risk Assessment Tools in the Emergency Department

Non-research: Ensuring Workplace Safety: Evidence Supporting Interventions for Nurse Administrators.

Only use template provided (APA format)

not including cover page, 4-5pgs


Must include.

Recommended Practice Change

·  Be sure you include your recommendation for your practice change, using your EBP question (remove the comparison)

·  Next, State how the research article supports this practice change recommendation, then include the in-text citation at the end of the statement

Example: The research article demonstrated use of Pilates increased strength, balance, and reduced falls among participants (Smith, 2020).

·  Finally, state how the non-research articles supports this practice change recommendation, then include the in-text citation at the end of the statement

·  All of these elements must be included for this section to pass

5.  Key Stakeholders

·  State 3 stakeholders (by their position- wound nurse, nurse educator, nurse administrator, etc) and state their role in helping get the practice change started. They each need a different role (job)

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