Effectively Managing Behavioral Health/Mental Health Illness In a medical/surgical unit

Effectively Managing Behavioral Health/Mental Health Illness In a medical/surgical unit

Nursing homework help

By now you should have received feedback about potential outcomes from your assignment in NU 760.  Use the faculty feedback provided for that assignment as an aid to refining a presentation of potential outcomes that could be measured in association with the proposed DNP project.  Construct the assignment using a presentation format (e.g. PPT, Prezi, Vimeo, etc.)

As the project is refined, the outcome measures will also be refined. The presentation may include, but is not required to include all the following elements:

· Description of intended effect of the proposed project

· Description of the outcome measures that could be utilized to evaluate the proposed project.  Identify potential outcomes that could be used to evaluate the project if:

· you do not anticipate being able to fully implement the project in the practice setting

· you anticipate you will be able to fully implement the project in the practice setting

Description of the process for measuring the effect (e.g., post-test, survey, chart review, observation, report, etc.)

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