Discussion Post.

Discussion Post.
Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.
reply 1
Parental Vaccine Education Intervention
Connors, J.T., Hodges, E.A., D’Auria, J., & Windham, L. (2018). Implementing vaccine hesitancy screening for targeted education. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30(8), 450-459. https://doi.org/ 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000056
The area of interest I chose is the Parental Vaccine Education Intervention. This scholarly article discusses Increasing vaccine confidence through parent education and empowerment through comprehensible communication. Vaccinations against flu and infectious diseases are vital to reduce healthcare utilization and safeguard at-risk populations, especially during national healthcare crises like COVID-19. To prevent further outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases and to preserve herd immunity, parents should have an education on the timely need for the vaccination of their children.
After reading this week’s course content and the resources provided, navigating through CINAHL Plus with the full-text database and Walden Library is more accessible. I began researching to acquire pertinent information on the peer-reviewed article by referring to the “Walden Library.” In the Walden University Library, we can find 82 databases with access to thousands of electronic books and scholarly journals (Walden University, 2022). Within the Walden Library, we were allowed to select a database we wished to utilize. I used CINAHL and MEDLINE combined search databases, which provide different options to limit the search process.
When conducting internet research initially, I found it challenging to choose the best database given the university library’s wealth of online resources and the various options available with the topic of my interest. I had to enter the text for the subject of my interest which took me to many journals and articles available. I was able to simplify the search by using a variety of modes, expanders, and filters like peer-reviewed scholarly journals and publications from specific periods, and ultimately located the needed reference (Rao & Moon, 2021). I had to read the abstract to see if it was relevant to the selected topic.
However, after some consideration, I found that the university’s library’s CINAHL Plus, with a complete text database, was the most beneficial for my online searches since it consistently produces high-quality, top-notch peer-reviewed resources within specific periods. (Justesen et al., 2021). On a positive note, the CINAHL database is user-friendly, enabling me to focus my searches using particular keywords and filters. CINAHL Plus, with full text, can find hundreds of credible and scholarly articles, nursing journals, and publications.
Given these results, I strongly recommend the CINAHL database to my Walden University colleagues as a helpful resource for learning more about our field of study. In addition to being simple to use, the database provides sophisticated search tools and makes it simple to cite sources (Justesen et al., 2021). It also has a wide range of nursing and health sciences topics, making it a comprehensive tool for academic study.
- Connors, J.T., Hodges, E.A., D’Auria, J., & Windham, L. (2018). Implementing vaccine hesitancy screening for targeted education. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30(8), 450-459. https://doi.org/ 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000056
- Justesen, T., Freyberg, J., & Schultz, A. N. (2021). Database selection and data gathering methods in systematic reviews of qualitative research regarding diabetes mellitus-an explorative study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-021-01281-2Links to an external site.
- Rao, S., & Moon, K. (2021). Literature Search for Systematic Reviews. In Principles and Practice of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (pp. 11-31). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71921-0_2Links to an external site.
- Walden University. (2022). Library. Catalog.waldenu.edu. https://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=41&navoid=5230
- Walden University. (2016). Academic guides: Evaluating resources: Journals. Waldenu.edu. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/library/evaluating/resource-types/journals
reply 2
Poleshuck, E. L. (2005). Women’s health and the role of primary care psychology. In L. C. James & R. A. Folen (Eds.), The primary care consultant: The next frontier for psychologists in hospitals and clinics. (pp. 217–241). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/10962-011Links to an external site..
The article I have chosen for this week is related to women’s health in the primary care setting. However, it goes on to explain the psychology that can help connect the Nurse practitioner or the primary caregiver to the patient to assist in maintaining psychological stability as well. This topic area inspires me to advocate not just for women’s health but also for their mental well-being. As healthcare executives, we should strive to help answer the question of transforming the system to avoid following the direction of others who are not as knowledgeable(Dolan et al., 2007).
I have used the Walden Library resource center to aid me in finding my article. The Walden Library is very user-friendly and allows you to add subtexts to your research to ensure that specific information is found for the study area. Literature that is synthesized and reported correctly contributes to nursing knowledge. It plays a vital role in guiding nursing practice and advancing research, helping readers understand what is known or not about a topic(Shellenbarger, T. 2016).
The only issue I have had with this database is that some of the articles need PDF attachments, and you may have to access another website to view the article, which may require special admissions to view the PDF form. Besides that minor detail, I recommend this database. This program is catered to scholarly nursing information and gives many articles on various research topics. The goal of all programs aims for students to graduate as safe, entry-level professionals, having received well-rounded exposure to the nursing field(Tingen et al.; H., 2009).
Shellenbarger, T. (2016). Simplifying Synthesis. Nurse Author & Editor, 26: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-4910.2016.tb00224.xLinks to an external site.
Tingen, M. S., Burnett, A. H., Murchison, R. B., & Zhu, H. (2009). The importance of nursing research. The Journal of nursing education, 48(3), 167–170. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20090301-10Links to an external site.
Dolan, T. C. (2007). Advocating for our patients. Creating a system that provides for all residents. Healthcare Executive, 22(2), 6.