Discuss the issues pertaining to informed consent in conducting evaluations and apply ethical decision making to a scenario in which there is a professional ethical conflict.

Discuss the issues pertaining to informed consent in conducting evaluations and apply ethical decision making to a scenario in which there is a professional ethical conflict.

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Assignment 2: RA: Case Analysis

In this assignment, you will discuss the issues pertaining to informed consent in conducting evaluations and apply ethical decision making to a scenario in which there is a professional ethical conflict.


Review vignette 3 from the following article:

· Ethical and Professional Conflicts in Correctional Psychology

After you have read the vignette, answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page paper:

· Should the evaluation, which is requested by the warden, be completed? Why or why not?

· Would your answer change if the psychologist were not a member of APA? Why or why not?

· What multicultural/diversity issues would one need to consider if the inmate in the vignette were a homosexual, African-American male who was raised in an adoptive, single-parent household? What ethical and multicultural issues would a professional need to consider in conducting an evaluation of an individual with this background?

· Support your answers with appropriate references in APA style.

Submission Details:

· Save your paper as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By the due date assigned, post it to the Submissions Area.