Difference between hedonic and eudaimonic answers psychology homework help

Difference between hedonic and eudaimonic answers psychology homework help

Nursing homework help

Conduct a poll of at least five people by asking the following questions. Evaluate each answer and decide whether you would consider it as hedonic or eudaimonic, and record it in the table. Finally, answer the question below the table in 200-350 words.

• What makes you happy?

Person #1  Family

Person #2  Success

Person #3  Money

Person #4  Loving people

Person #5  Living Life

•Would you say you are living “the good life?” Why or why not?

Person #1  Yes. I’m alive

Person #2 No, I havent accomplished all my goals

Person #3 Yes. I don’t want for anything

Person #4  Yes. I know God.

Person #5  Yes. I have a family that loves me.

•If you could make any changes you wished that would make you happier, what would those be?

Person #1 A better Job.

Person #2 More Money

Person #3  More Money

Person #4 A loving relationship

Person #5  A sucessful job

Hedonic                                           Eudaimonic

•                                                           •

Write a summary of your results. What common beliefs about happiness were evident in your results