Develop A 2-4 Page Policy Proposal That Seeks To Improve The Outcomes For Your Chosen Health Care Issue And Target Population.
- Develop a 2-4 page policy proposal that seeks to improve the outcomes for your chosen health care issue and target population.
Introduction- Competency 1: Design evidence-based advanced nursing care for achieving high-quality population outcomes.
- Propose a policy and guidelines that will lead to improved outcomes and quality of care for a specific issue in a target population.
- Competency 2: Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of interprofessional interventions in achieving desired population health outcomes.
- Analyze the potential for an interprofessional approach to implementing a proposed policy to increase the efficiency or effectiveness of the care setting to achieve high-quality outcomes.
- Competency 3: Analyze population health outcomes in terms of their implications for health policy advocacy.
- Advocate the need for a proposed policy in the context of current outcomes and quality of care for a specific issue in a target population.
- Competency 4: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
- Communicate in a professional and persuasive manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
- Competency 1: Design evidence-based advanced nursing care for achieving high-quality population outcomes.