Creativity a cognitive trick for solving problems creatively decision making and problem solving

Creativity a cognitive trick for solving problems creatively decision making and problem solving

Nursing homework help

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered

  • Explain critical thinking and cognitive psychology as it pertains to analyze and synthesize information for problem solving and decision making. (2.7)
  • Identify and analyze different perspectives on understanding problems for different situations. (3.1)
  • Employ and analyze aspects of creativity as they pertain to problem solving and decision making in all manners and circumstances. (2.3)
  • Recognize decision tools to take and defend decisions objectively. (2.4)

Assignment Questions:(Marks 05)

  • Read the attached article titled as “Creativity – A Cognitive Trick for Solving Problems Creatively” by Theodore Scaltsas, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: [5 Marks]
  1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 600-700 words)
  • What do you think about the article in relations to what you have learnt in the course about becoming a critical thinker for developing problem solving skills?Use additional reference to support you argument. (In 300-500 words)