Controversy agree on a definition of abnormal 1
Before working on this discussion, please read Chapter 1 in the course text, the articles by Szasz (1960) and Ausubel (1961), and review any Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue regarding a classic and ongoing controversy within abnormal psychology. Specifically, what is the definition of abnormal psychology?
As you enter into the conversation, provide your definition of abnormal psychology. Relate historical events that influenced your thought process as you created your definition. Identify a major theoretical perspective that closely matches your definition. What diagnoses come to mind when defining abnormal psychology?
Read Chapter 1 in the course text and both of the articles by Szasz (1960) and Ausubel (1961). Keep in mind that Ausubel’s argument is that mental illness is real (e.g., we have evidence of it in biology) and Szasz’s argument is that mental illness is a myth (e.g., a social construct much like gender). How do Ausubel and Szasz contribute to our class definition of abnormal psychology?
Does a person’s behavior constitute what’s normal or abnormal or is it the person who says when they feel normal or abnormal. How much of what’s considered normal is judged to be so by outsides forces and how much is actually up to the person in question?