Assignment Sheet –Abnormal Psychology – C. Scribner, PhD

Assignment Sheet –Abnormal Psychology – C. Scribner, PhD


~ Ordinary People ~


The sources you’re authorized to use for this assignment include your textbook, handouts, your class notes, and your own thought processes. Use of other sources (including collaboration with other students or the use of internet sites) is prohibited, and constitutes a violation of the LU academic integrity policy.


Instructions: Submit your responses IN A SINGLE DOCUMENT via the assignment link in Canvas.

Please give a response to each of the following questions (minimum length of paper should be 5-6 double-spaced pages to adequately address the questions; it’s fine if it’s longer than that, but shorter suggests you might want to dig a bit deeper):


1. Some people have proposed Major Depressive Disorder as the best fitting diagnosis for the character Conrad; others have proposed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as the most fitting diagnosis.


a. What are the diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder? Which of them does Conrad meet? Which does he not meet? (consider all of the criteria). For each criterion you claim he meets, provide specific evidence by indicating how it is shown in the film (i.e., in what specific scenes?).

b. What are the diagnostic criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Which of them does Conrad meet? Which does he not meet? (consider all of the criteria). For each criterion you claim he meets, provide specific evidence by indicating how it is shown in the film (i.e., in what specific scenes?).

c. What should we diagnose Conrad with? Why?


2. What is (are) the cause(s) of Conrad’s unhappiness and distress? (regardless of which diagnosis you may have decided upon) – approx. 2-3 pages


I’m asking for a 2-3 page response to this question, which affords you the space to demonstrate the breadth in thinking you’ve been learning to use in this course. Keep in mind the bio-psycho-social model, and mention as many specific “causal” factors as you’re able to identify in the film . Think in terms of precipitating factors as well as factors that maintain his unhappiness or distress. Be sure to describe how each of the factors you mention is portrayed in the movie itself.


· What biological factors might there be? (you may have to infer these)

· Psychological factors? (consider the whole spectrum of internally-based variables)

· Social/interpersonal factors?


The goal here is for you to develop a comprehensive perspective on him and his difficulties – the more comprehensive, the better. Remember to link each point back to specific information presented in the movie.



3. OPTIONAL BONUS QUESTION / for up to 5 extra-credit points: Add a 1½ – 2 page persuasive essay answering the following: Does Beth have a Personality Disorder? IF SO, indicate which of the 10 Personality Disorders you think she has, and offer evidence from the film to show how she meets the diagnostic criteria for that particular Personality Disorder. IF NOT, point out the 2 specific personality disorders that you considered as the most likely possibilities, and explain the reasoning which led you to conclude that she should not be given a Personality Disorder diagnosis.

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