Applied psychopharmacology paper 1
The first paper will require you to identify one psychoactive drug and report about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Below are some example points to cover:
· What is the drug typically prescribed for?
· What symptoms does the drug typically treat?
· What are common side effects?
· What is the drug’s typical route of administration?
· What is the drug’s half-life?
· Are there any diet/drug interactions to be aware of?
· Are there any drug tolerance/dependence issues with this drug?
· What neurotransmitter(s)/receptor family is this drug acting on to produce symptom relief?
· To produce side effects?
· What is the mechanism of action?
· Is the drug an agonist or antagonist?
· What is the lethal dose? Or dose at which patients begin to see adverse effects?
Be sure that the drug is “psychoactive” (i.e. – crosses the blood-brain barrier and has psychological effects)! Any drug covered in class would be relevant.
The paper format should follow APA guidelines. The paper length minimum is 2 pages (1” margins, 12-pt font, Times New Roman). You are welcome to use more pages if you need more space. There is no minimum or maximum number of sources cited. It is unlikely, however, that you will find all of this information from one source. Also, your sources do not have to be peer-reviewed sources. However, they should be trusted sources (not Wikipedia, etc.).
Papers will be accepted late with a late penalty of 10% per week (1 day late through 6 days late = 5 points off; 7 days late through 13 days late = 10 points off, etc.).