Altruism in Society Campaign and Power Point Presentation psychology homework help

Altruism in Society Campaign and Power Point Presentation psychology homework help

Nursing homework help

Identify a social issue (Domestic Violence)

Discuss the implications of your strategy in terms of intervention and prevention.

Each team member must submit a MINIMUM of 2 slides for their selected part. Please complete work for your selected part only.

Please include detailed speaker notes as well as the appropriate information on the slide.  You MUST  include the reference you selected in Week 4. The reference is below

You can use a plain pp template

Please include all references and citations in APA format.  Any images used my include the reference as well (if anyone needs help with images and how to cite them, please reach out).

This is the reference and attached is the article that goes with the reference and  I must use for this assignment. The only one I need.


Juodis, M., Starzomski, A., Porter, S., & Woodworth, M. (2014). What can be done about high  risk perpetrators of domestic violence? Journal of Family Violence, 29(4), 381-390.  doi: