CT State Policy Or Bill

CT State Policy Or Bill

Nursing homework help

Identify a well-defined policy/bill that impacts long-term care facilities (local, state or national policy). Review the bills raised or passed in your local government, state or nationally. Leverage your state or specialty nursing organization for assistance. Review the literature pertaining to the content in the bill using database peer reviewed resources. You should have at least 5 peer reviewed articles from journals referenced.

Your scholarly nursing doctorate composition should include:

1.) an introduction to the legislation,

2.) significance of the policy(s) on the topic,

3.) review of the literature, and

4.) discussion and summary/conclusion.

Here is a link (https://documents.cthosp.org/3/2022LegislativeSummary.pdf) to the 2022 legislative summary for Connecticut Hospital Association.

APA format with approx. 4-5 pages in length. Include references. 

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