Health Informatics Webpage Presentation

Health Informatics Webpage Presentation

Nursing homework help

Step 1: Intro/Audience –  Provide a short introduction about the people deriving value from the system/s and a brief background.

Step 2: Resources – Select and summarize health informatics web sites

Step 3: Impact –  Discuss value of the information technology has provided. Consider what progress has been made, process improvements, and lessons learned.  As applicable, cover value:

– For the patient/consumer (for example – improved health, better customer service/more efficient, better coordinated care)

– For the health providers/care team (better decisions due to clinical support, information accessibility when needed)

– For the department/organization (financial return on investment, staff retention/satisfaction)

– For the community/populations  (improved immunization rates, more accessible or affordable care, better indicators for populations of people with a specific condition such as people with diabetes, asthma, etc. )

Step 3: Summarize highlights

Share some examples – potentially short written stories/case studies, images or incorporate videos.  Provide a summary of how others are realizing value.

Step 4: References
Please document your references using the APA format.

Quality is more important than quantity.  However, as a guideline, content should be approximately equivalent to 3-5 MS Word pages using 11- point type double spaced. This may be presented on around 4-6 tabs on your web page. You may use quotes from referenced sources. Yet, quotes should be no more than one or two sentences in length.


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