Law – Criminal Assignment M6

Law – Criminal Assignment M6

Law - Criminal Assignment M6

Law – Criminal Assignment M6

Nursing homework help

Use the following case points to guide your writing for this assignment.  The required length of the assignment is 2 pages. The assignment is worth 20 points and cannot be answered in one or two sentences.

How would you investigate the death of a young woman found dead in a bath tub?  Your discussion may include any of the following or other questions/issues relevant to the investigation:

  • Your examination of the scene – what would you look for and why is it important?
  • What conclusions need to be made and what questions need to be answered?
  • Examination of the body at the scene – what is important to look for?
  • Examination of the body at the morgue – what is important to look for?
  • What special investigations may be required in order to help investigate the case?
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