Gateway healthcare systems him department

Gateway healthcare systems him department


Gateway healthcare systems him department

Gateway healthcare systems him department

(1) Write a short paper that evaluates the mission and vision of each hospital’s HIM department. Then take the best from each of the three mission and vision statements to develop a new mission statement and new vision statement for the unified Gateway Healthcare Systems HIM department. The specific elements of the assignment are attached.

(2) Using a SWOT matrix, conduct a SWOT analysis on the Gateway Healthcare Systems HIM department. You will need to analyze each of the three hospitals and consider their workflow processes, as well as the current state of EHR, cultural diversity, staffing issues, and compliance issues. Once the SWOT analysis is complete, write at least three SMART goals addressing cultural, diversity, human resources, and compliance. The specific elements of the assignment are attached. Please put this part of the assignment on separate pages.

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