Two hospitality research proposal correct human recourse 15 pages and marketing 6 pages
I have two paper need to be correct, one is double space 15 pages about human resource topic is The impact of employee engagement for operations in the tourism and hospitality industry, but it’s too broad, topic should be narrow to organization, and re-do the structure of paper, find out clear problem statement and study propose. For the literature review part I want clear separate topic to support propose statement. APA formate, due on 12/8.
In this paper, you are expected to provide a comprehensive review of the research in major hospitality and tourism journals. Suggested topics of the paper include:
o A background of the topic (What are the definitions of the terms being discussed or the theory being introduced? What is the topic about?)
o Why is this topic important in the hospitality and tourism industry?
o What studies have been done on this topic in hospitality and tourism (or in management)? (20+ articles)
o If applicable, what theories or models have been developed in the area? o What were the key findings?
o What were the limitations of these studies?
o What can be done to address those limitations?
o What else can be done to help improve our understanding of the topic being discussed?
o A concluding statement of the paper
Please try your best to limit your search within the following high-impact hospitality and tourism journals:
Annals of Tourism Research
Tourism Management
Journal of Travel Research
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
International Journal of Hospitality Management
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
Journal of Service Research
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism (not an A journal but highly relevant)
Plus the following high-impact management and OB journals:
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Management
Personnel Psychology
Second one is marketing class,1.5 line space no more than 5 pages, topic is The Impact of Service Quality on Hotel Guest Loyalty. This one don’t have citation in introduction part and also problem statement and study propose, structure of paper. For the introduction part want more citation and source to get clear support. For the literature review part I want clear separate topic to support propose statement. due on 12/10. (requirements in picture)