Module 1: Description of the communication in the media

Module 1: Description of the communication in the media

Nursing homework help

This activity has as an objective to describe the communication process on a medium of your choice, using Lasswell’s 5W model, studied on point iii. Instructions:  •    You will describe the communication process on a medium of your choice, using Lasswell’s 5W model from point iii.  •    Choose a medium from the following options:


· Television

· Radio

· Print

· Internet

· Outer Media

•    From the medium you chose, choose one element of that medium:


· Television (program or advertising)

· Radio (program or advertising)

· Print (news article or advertising)

· Internet (news or entertainment website, social media, or advertising)

· Outer Media (advertising)

•    On a Word Document, describe the communication process of the chosen element, according to Lasswell’s 5W Model:


· Who (Diversification of Communicator)

· Says What (Massive Amount of Information)

· In Which Channel (Interactivity of Media)

· To Whom (Personalization of Audience)

· With What Effect? (Intelligentialize of Effect)

•    Your description must be from your authorship. Do not copy or quote anything from the module or the Internet.

If you are new to Canvas, follow  these directionsLinks to an external site.  for submitting your assignments and to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. To review your grades and comments from your professor after it is graded, follow  these instructionsLinks to an external site. .

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your assignment by 11:59 pm ET on Sunday.

· Your description must have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 450 words.

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