sampling methods does the sample represent the population statistics for nursing

sampling methods does the sample represent the population statistics for nursing

Nursing homework help

  • Discussion on Sampling Methods looking at probability sampling:
    • What does it mean to use this technique?
    • Provide an example of one type of strategy for probability sampling and how it can be used in a nursing research study.
  • Non-probability sampling techniques:
    • What does this mean?
    • What is an example of non-probability sampling and why might you chose to use this over probability sampling?
  • What types of sampling bias can occur that you need to be aware of and can influence your findings?
  • Sampling bias.
    • Why it is important to the integrity of the study?
    • What types of sampling bias might occur and you need to be aware of and how might these influence your findings?
  • Identify whether probability or nonprobability sampling is utilized for each entry in the following list. Select one of the following sampling methods and provide a rationale for your answer with reference support!

a. Convenience sampling

b. Cluster sampling

c. Simple random sampling

d. Quota sampling

e. Systematic sampling

f. Stratified sampling

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