Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Nursing homework help

Find three QUANTITATIVE original research articles that apply to your research topic:

Ethical Concerns In Use Of AI Robots In Elderly And Dementia Care?.

The articles must be:

·               peer-reviewed,

·               recent (published within 5 years), and

·               statistically significant ( DESCRIBE THE P-VALUE)

·               Saved in PDF format for submission


Write a 300 word summary of  each article that you identify using the  required Template:

·               participants

·               independent variable(s),

·               dependent variable(s),

·               methods, and

·               results.

Summarize your assignment with the Required Structure, Template, and Rubric in an APA formatted paper. Follow the directions and the posted Required Headings and Rubric.

Compile all summaries in one assignment document.

Submit the PDF of each article and your assignment.

**Note: Include a PDF for each article; Do not embed them in your paper; they must be PDF format.

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