Bullying Prevention
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When children of school age engage in unwelcome violent actions motivated by a perceived or real power disparity, this is known as bullying. Bullying includes various activities, including threatening behavior, circulating rumors assaulting a person physically, and purposefully leaving someone out of a group. Bullying has substantial and long-lasting detrimental impacts on the mental health and general well-being of young people involved in it in any manner comprising bullies, targets of bullies, and bullies, also known as bully-victims (Armitage, 2021). Among the unfavorable effects of bullying are sadness, anxiety, and subpar academic performance.
Bullying and suicide have a complicated link. According to studies, persistent bullying can bring on or exacerbate emotions of isolation, rejection, exclusion, despondency, melancholy, and anxiety, which can lead people to ponder suicide (Gómez-Tabares, 2021). Bullying and suicidal conduct are both complex public health issues. Several levels of influence on individuals, families, communities, and society might affect individuals’ susceptibility to one or both behaviors. There is an elevated risk of suicidal conduct among youth who report frequently bullying others and being bullied themselves. Of all the groups of young people who report bullying, bully victims had the highest likelihood of engaging in suicidal behavior.
Bullying issues are difficult to resolve. The most effective anti-bullying measures take several different angles of attack. They encourage respect by incorporating all school community members, including teachers, employees, parents, bus drivers, nurses, cafeteria staff, and administrators. Therefore, bullying can be avoided with the help of parents, teachers, and other responsible people. Parental interventions are increasingly used in bullying intervention efforts in nations and districts worldwide. The effectiveness of program intervention was substantially correlated with parenting styles, kids’ empathy, and parent-child interactions addressing bullying (Chen et al., 2021). Parenting programs are thought to lessen modifiable parental risk factors for child raising since negative parenting typically has substantial effects, such as physical abuse of children or child maltreatment. Open lines of contact between parents and frequent communication with children and paying attention to them are advisable. Get familiar with their friends, inquire about the state of the school, and empathize with their concerns.
In addition, by educating children on bullying, bullying can be avoided with the help of parents, teachers, and other responsible people. Teach students that bullying is unacceptable and discuss safe ways to respond to it and what constitutes bullying (StopBullying.gov, 2021). It is essential to teach children how to ask for help. Inspire young people to follow their dreams. Leisure and unusual activities and interests can encourage friendships, boost self-esteem, and protect kids from bullying. Furthermore, set a good example for others by being friendly and respectful. In terms of conduct, children mimic adults. Parents show their children that bullying has no place in the world by treating others with kindness and respect.
Armitage, R. (2021). Bullying in children: Impact on child health. BMJ paediatrics open, 5(1).
Chen, Q., Zhu, Y., & Chui, W. H. (2021). A meta-analysis on effects of parenting programs on bullying prevention. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(5), 1209-1220.
Gómez-Tabares, A. S. (2021). Depression as a mediator between bullying and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents. Psicologia conductual, 29(2), 259-281.
StopBullying.gov. (2021, November 10). How to prevent bullying. https://www.stopbullying.gov/prevention/how-to-prevent-bullying