Case Study: Evidence – Based Practice

Case Study: Evidence – Based Practice

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Course: OTA 110: OT Treatment Planning & Techniques for Traditional &Emerging Practice Areas

Course objectives:

UNIT TWO: Collaborating with Occupational Therapists on Therapeutic Interventions

Upon successful completion of this unit on written examination and demonstration the student will demonstrate principles, roles and responsibilities of working collaboratively with occupational therapists throughout the OT intervention process. The following documents will be used as resources to the students:


1. AOTA Guidelines for Occupational Therapy Service Delivery

2. Supervision Guidelines During the Therapeutic Intervention Process


UNIT THREE: Demonstrate selected practice skills

Upon successful completion of this unit on written examination and demonstration the student will demonstrate principles and concepts of selected practice skills. The student will demonstrate sound judgment in regard to safety of self and others, and adhere to safety regulations throughout the occupational therapy process.

1. Categories of Physical Agents

a. Thermal Agents

b. Mechanical Agents

c. Electromagnetic Agents


2. Static Orthotics


a. Purpose and type of splints

b. Fabrication of splints

c. Follow up procedures


3. Therapeutic Exercise


a. Passive Range of Motion

b. Active-Assistive Range of Motion

c. Active Range of Motion

d. Progressive Range of Motion

e. Precautions and Adaptations for Implementing Therapeutic Exercise


4. Dysphagia


a. Types of dysphagia

b. Basic compensatory and rehabilitative strategies

c. Appropriate treatment interventions


5. Balance Training


6. Advanced Positioning techniques


7. Compensatory Strategies OT for Physical Dysfunction, Radomski pg. 855


a. Limited ROM

b. Weakness and low endurance

c. Unilateral loss of motor control and limb function

d. Incoordination

e. Visual Impairments

f. Cognitive Limitations

g. Principles of Work Simplification and Energy Conservation


8. Training in self-care, self management, home management and community and work integration


9. Home Management and Community Integration and the Workplace


a. Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations of Accessible Design

b. Universal design

c. Age in Place

d. Interventions

i. Universal design and other accessible design

ii. Environmental modifications

iii. Assistive technology

iv. Task modification strategies

e. Consulting with Consumers to Facilitate Community and Workplace Participation


10. Prosthetic Devices


a. Types of Prostheses

i. Body Powered (BP) Prosthesis

ii. Externally Powered Prosthesis

iii. Myoelectric Prosthesis

iv. Hybrid Prosthesis


b. Prosthetic Training Program

c. Emerging Trends in Prosthetics


11. Feeding and Eating Performance


12. Superficial Thermal and Mechanical Modalities


a. Definition

b. Indications and contraindication

c. AOTA’s position on physical agents

Curriculum thread(s) addressed:

· Occupation centered practice

· Role Acquisition


Assignment Objective (s): Each student will be assigned a case study from Case Studies Through the Health Care Continuum: A Workbook for the Occupational Therapy Student, and will:

· develop a treatment plan with selected practice skills and based on the client’s problems.

· research and obtain three evidence – based practice health care or AJOT journals that will support the decisions in the designated treatment session (to be presented in the class)

· demonstrate how enhancement of functional ability and independence is achieved for the client in the traditional and emerging practice areas in Occupational Therapy

· demonstrate instances of collaboration with the Occupational Therapist, e.g. the implementing of a discharge plan from occupational therapy services that was developed by the occupational therapist in collaboration with the client and members of the interprofessional team by reviewing the needs of the client, caregiver, family, and significant others; available resources; and discharge environment.




1. Explain clinical picture of patient and establish an Occupational Therapy prioritized client problem list.

2. Student will obtain three evidence – based practice articles from health care or AJOT journals to support practice decisions and practice areas and exemplify collaboration with the Occupational Therapist in the practice decisions.

3. Write 2 LTG and 2 STG that directly relate to Client problem list. Remember to keep the focus on what you are looking for in outcomes.

4. Design a 60 minute treatment session. Demonstrate the progression of adjunctive to purposeful activity. Explain your rationale for choices of interventions.

5. Demonstrate selected practice skills (e.g., compensatory strategies, positioning, safety regulations, balance training, contracture management, edema management, subluxation management, orthotics, prosthetic training, thermal modalities, physical agents, ADL training, work simplification and energy conservation) based on the needs of the client in the case study.

6. Selected practice skills should demonstrate how enhancement of functional ability and independence is achieved for the client in the traditional and emerging practice areas in Occupational Therapy.

7. Articulate when and how to use the consultative process with specific consumers or consumer groups as directed by an occupational therapist (e.g. “It involves; educating school personnel, demonstrating techniques or supports, and providing consultation in the form of occasional visits or phone/e-mail contacts…where the condition is long-standing (such as ASD) and must be managed day-to-day by other personnel e.g. parents, teachers and aides”).


8. APA format: Paper should be comprehensive, organized and easy to follow.


Grading Rubric:


Top of Form

Evaluation: Evidence – Based Practice
  Poor (1) Fair (2) Good (3)  
Occupational Therapy prioritized problem list Poor

Lacks complete holistic view of client’s current state. Focus more on medical past history rather than aspects from the domain.


Addresses 60-75% of the client’s factors, performance patterns/skills and occupational performance.


Address the whole person in a holistic manner with use of the OT Practice Framework noted.

Demonstration of Practice Skills Poor

Missing, does not relate to practice of OT or functional/occupation based. Lacks clear understand of what the client and/or therapist is completing. Lacking demonstrated evidence of collaboration with the Occupational Therapist in the practice decisions.


Does not related to practice of OT or functional/occupation based. Lacks clear understand of what the therapist is completing. Some demonstrated evidence of collaboration with the Occupational Therapist in the practice decisions.


Relates to practice of OT or functional/occupation based. Demonstrates clear understand of what the therapist and client are completing. Exemplifies collaboration with the Occupational Therapist in the practice decisions.

Articulate when and how to use the consultative process with specific consumers or consumer groups as directed by an occupational therapist (e.g.“ It involves; educating school personnel, demonstrating techniques or supports, and providing consultation in the form of occasional visits or phone/e-mail contacts…where the condition is long-standing (such as ASD) and must be managed day-to-day by other personnel (e.g. parents, teachers and aides”).


Does not make mention of the need for additional consultative processes for OT services. Does not address who else would benefit from consultation. Fair attempt at articulating and identifying the need for additional consultative processes for OT services. May or may not address who else would benefit from such consultation. Good articulation and identification of the need for additional consultative processes for OT services. Addresses who else would benefit from such consultation.  
Evidence Based Practice Poor

Less than two health care or AJOT journals to support Occupational Therapy treatment session

Fair Two health care or AJOT journals to support Occupational Therapy treatment session Good Three or more health care or AJOT Journals to support Occupational Therapy treatment session  
Goals Poor

Goals are not measurable and/or objective; lack standards for goal structure; do not apply towards selected treatment activities.

Fair Goal structure needs clarification regarding main elements and being functional/occupation based. Good All goals are function/occupation based and meet standards for goal structure.  
PowerPoint Treatment session Poor

Does not address the client and is not an appropriate practice skill(s). Time allotted for treatment session is insufficient with limited, inappropriate use of equipment, modalities, and practice skills.


Additional clarification required. Treatment session executed with of some equipment, modalities, practice skills that is supported by EBP.


Addresses the whole person and Occupational Therapy prioritized client problem list; includes 60 min treatment session with use of equipment, modalities, practice skills that is supported by EBP.

Discharge planning collaboration Does not evidence discharge planning collaboration Additional clarification is required Effectively addresses discharge planning collaboration  
Spelling and Grammar, APA Format Poor

Multiple errors with spelling, grammar and sentence structure. Little or no evidence of proof reading.


Minimal errors with spelling, grammar, sentence structure and APA Formatting. Some proof reading required, however, can be comprehended.


Zero issues with spelling, grammar, sentence structure, thought process or general APA format.





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