10 to 12 pages, APA FORMAT masters level

10 to 12 pages, APA FORMAT masters level

For your Final Project, select a contemporary public policy issue, such as gay marriage, women in combat, reproductive rights, gun control, or similar issues. Conduct research on current law and policy affecting that issue using scholarly sources and cases that you find through the Walden University Library or using Google Scholar. Tips for using Google Scholar can be found on the Walden University Library website. Prepare a 10- to 12-page (double-spaced) paper that addresses the following:

  • Statement: Of the policy issue and why you selected this issue (relevance).
  • Explanation: Of current law and policy surrounding this issue, referencing the relevant cases, statutes, regulations, and policies.
  • Analysis: This is the principal component of your essay. Provide a reasoned, scholarly and non-opinionated analysis of current debate surrounding this issue. Is it controversial? Why or why not? Is there a chance the issue will be heard by the court soon? What is the likely outcome based upon past decisions? How is the issue framed by different political parties? Is it seen differently in the United States as compared to other countries? Why?
  • Conclusion: What did you learn from this research that can be helpful in discussing this issue in the future? Do you see any resolution or is this likely to remain a divided issue for some time?

Sources: Be sure to include at least 10 scholarly sources to support your analysis. Cite them in proper Bluebook format. Use The Bluebook that you used in prior courses for assistance in proper citation format.

bluebook format


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